When I told Coach Sean about the Zermatt Marathon, he wasn’t amused. He suggested that I switch it to a half-marathon instead.
Which I did. I asked Kai if he would do the marathon as a relay with me. Fortunately, he agreed (the things husbands do for their running wives!).
Zermatt is car-free and you can only get there by train. All train rides for this weekend were included in the registration fee.

Early morning Saturday, Kai took the train to the starting line, which was in a neighbouring village further down the valley. His part of the race had 600m (2’000ft) of elevation. I was expecting that it would take him two hours.
I waited nervously for him in Zermatt. Finally, his number was announced and I saw Kai coming around the corner.
We ran together for a few seconds and then I took off.
About six minutes before Kai arrived, I saw our friend Brigitta run through. She’s a strong runner and was doing the full marathon. I wondered if I’d be able to catch up with her with my fresh legs.
To my surprise, I already caught up with her at kilometre 4. It seemed that my fresh legs made more of a difference than I thought! We exchanged a few words, and I continued.
Things slowed down quickly after that. We had to cover 1’344m (4’410 ft) of elevation and everyone switched to speedhike mode.
Around kilometre 10, I started to feel a bit dizzy and queasy. The altitude was getting at me. I took it a little easier and the feeling subsided.
Around kilometre 14, we finally got a break from all the climbing and we could switch back to running again.
Until kilometre 18.
At that aid station, I saw Franz, Brigitta’s partner. He called out to me: “Now for the juicy part!”. I looked up and I saw what he meant. The final three kilometres were just one big terrible climb. Uff.
I was starting to feel queasy again – I was glad I was only speedhiking at this point.

Finally, after 39 minutes, I got to the top and sure enough, there was Kai. He joined me for the last 100 metres and we ran through the finish line together. Done!

Brigitta followed only a few minutes later. She had run a fabulous race and came in first in her age group!
Following the Zermatt tradition, Brigitta won a huge wedge of cheese. To her delight, it was Gruyère cheese and not Raclette cheese. This is something of a sacrilege in the Canton of Valais (where Zermatt is) but nobody minded it because everybody loves Gruyère cheese.
Kai and I came in fourth in our relay race group. Our combined time was 4:47. We missed the cheese award by six minutes!
We also had friends who ran the ultra, which was 45.5km and covered 2’458m (8’100 ft) of elevation. Marion came in first in her age group and Wolli came in second in his age group. So much cheese!

The next day, we used our free train tickets to go back up the mountain. We were hoping to get a glimpse of the iconic Matterhorn.

The Matterhorn was being a proper primadonna. She didn’t show herself once on Sunday.
Another reason (besides the cheese) to come back again next year!

- Have you ever done a relay race? Did you feel nervous while waiting?
- Do you eat cheese? What’s your favourite?
I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs.
Liebe Catrina,
ich gratuliere euch zu eurem super Lauf! 😀
Wie schön, dass Kai so bereitwillig den ersten Teil eurer Staffel übernommen hat. Und dann läuft noch Brigitta (unwissentlich) als Häsin bei dir vorbei. Klar, dass da dein Jagdinstinkt geweckt wurde. 😉 Super gemacht.
Willst du nächstes Jahr beim Marathon starten oder plant ihr die Käsetheke wieder im Team abzuräumen?
Danke dir, liebe Doris!
Kai hat zwar etwas gemurrt (“du stresst mich”), aber er war doch so nett, diesen Stress auf sich zu nehmen. Brigitta als Häsin war super! Eigentlich müsste man öfters solche Hasen haben, auch später in der Strecke.
Ha, gute Frage! Den Marathon mache ich bestimmt nicht, der ist zu krass. Jetzt muss ich Kai ein zweites Mal überreden!
LOVE the photo with Toblerone!! 😀 And what a gloriously beautiful place it is, very majestic.
You´d almost have a full wheel of cheese, if you and Kai had also won a wedge. Well done on finishing – I´m guessing Lady A was all right after the run?
Haha, I knew you would like that one, Riitta! 🙂 The mountains around Zermatt are beautiful – I love that they are snow-capped.
Actually, that’s a great goal for next year: as a team, we should try and get a full wheel! Thanks for that idea!!
Thanks for asking! Lady A was so good! Even on the next day, she behaved perfectly. I’m so glad!
Ja großartig und Glückwunsch zum gelungenen Staffellauf! Auch wenn sich das Matterhorn versteckt hatte, allein wegen der Kulisse ist das Rennen ja schon einen Start wert! Musste Kai arg überredet werden? Die Höhenmeter haben es ja wirklich in sich, was man für ein Stück Käse nicht so alles auf sich nimmt 😉
Mein erster Düsseldorf Marathon war tatsächlich ein Staffellauf und mein einziger bisher. Und ja, ich war nervös beim Warten, sehr sogar. Aber wenn man dann erstmal läuft ist alles wieder gut.
Schön dass es bei Dir wieder voran geht, ich hoffe Lady Achilles hat die Steigungen gut verkraftet.
Danke dir, lieber Oliver!
Kai hat schon ein bisschen gemurrt – aber ich glaube, insgeheim war er doch ganz froh und stolz, dass er mitgemacht hat. Auch wenn wir keinen Käse mitnehmen konnten. 🙂
Ganz besonders hat es ihn gefreut, dass die ganzen Bahnen um Zermatt für drei Tage inklusive waren. Die hätten locker 250 Euro gekostet.
Ah, gleich als Newbie einen Staffellauf? Das glaube ich dir, das ist nichts für schwache Nerven! Vor lauter Aufregung vergisst man immer wieder die eigene Nummer…
Lady A hat super mitgemacht! Sogar am nächsten Tag hat sie keinen Mucks gemacht. Ich bin so froh!
Congrats on all the climbing. That must have been a bit worrisome when you started feeling dizzy! I could feel that suddenly there was a chance you would DNF. But the feeling subsided & all was normal again. Whew! Your coach would have said, ” That was not a good idea”. Maybe he still thinks that. But you proved to him you could handle it!
Yeah , the last 3km straight up is a bit disheartening when you are focused on time. You just have to swallow it an find the finish. I have run a certain HM many times & the last 1.5km was 9%+ grade. All the runners were like in suspended animation moving slowly to the finish. Nobody wants to try too hard at the start of the climb as there is too long to go. You still want to be able to respond if someone tries to overtake you. Now it is about keeping your place to the finish. Always interesting finishing this way.
So the question is did you keep your place in those last 3 km?🤔
Well done to find the finish! Having Kai run the last 100m must have been energy sparking🏃♀️💨🏃♂️💨
Hahah. Cheese, cheese & more cheese. Yeah Gruyère is amazing. Love it in a salad.
Fun expedition to Zermatt, wo the Matterhorn! Next time you perhaps will see it.
Keep focused on Berlin. This was good strength & speedwork training for Berlin. Tell your coach that!😅🏃♀️🏃♂️💨
Thank you, Yves!! Exactly that’s how I felt! My biggest worry was having to sit down on the side of the path and then not being able to recover. I was glad when it slowly subsided.
Haha, right! I’m not sure what he thought, but he seemed quite happy with the outcome. And to be honest, in hindsight, I’m quite glad that I didn’t opt for the marathon. My goodness, it’s a tough route! I would not have been ready for that.
It was precisely how you describe your last 1.5km on your half…. everybody was in slow-motion, stoically putting one foot in front of the other. There were two or three who overtook me in that 3 km stretch – but I was very relieved that they were all guys.
I was curious to see whether Brigitta’s and my distance changed over the course of the race. Our times were taken 3 times during the race, and every time we were 10 minutes apart. It didn’t become any longer as you would expect, as I had fresher legs. This shows what a strong runner she is!
The moment I heard Kai’s voice, I knew I was nearly done! So happy to see that finish line!!
I love Gruyère! It goes well with wine, too. And fresh bread. Mhm.
Yes! I keep on seeing some nice races and asking Coach Sean whether I can do them. And he always says “let’s focus on Berlin”. I guess he’s right! Next week we have a 1.5k swimming event through the lake of Zurich – he was happy for me to do that. Yay! 🙂
Congrats for keeping your place in the final 3km! Bravo! I am sure you would like to do all sorts of races, but the important one is Berlin. Never mind those small races! Hey Elite athletes never do those except for charity events. You want to crush Betlin & be the best prepared you have ever been for a race. You have so much time, now to focus on speed. You can do a full on Berlin’s flat course no problems. Now get stronger & faster. Are you doing your planks? And working your shoulders? You run with the shoulders not the legs as I am sure you know! Get stronger & faster for an amazing Berlin. Your coach has the plan🌞
Thank you, Yves!
You are absolutely right! Thanks for the reminder – it’s so easy to get distracted by all the shiny things along the way!
Tomorrow Thursday, I will have my first speed session. I’m looking forward to it! (But also a bit scared).
Yes, I do my planks regularly and also do upper body stuff. I like doing the negative pull-ups at the outdoor gym (can’t do a proper pull-up yet, working on that!). I used my arms a lot in Zermatt – you are right, pumping the arms helps to keep the legs going!
Nice to hear you are planking. That is one of the best exercises for a runner. Good for shoulders, core, hips & legs.
Is your coach helping also w strength exercises?
You said you were a scared of the speed work. Aha! That is good! Once you do his speed work, you see where you are. But more important, feeling comfortable w being uncomfortable! That is how you make real progress. After several speed sessions, you will embrace being uncomfortable & be able to push harder for longer. You have time on your side, so you can experience a LOT of progress! Have fun with that. We know you can handle the distance of a full M.
Funny enough, my coach doesn’t give me any instructions on the strength sessions. He does, however, plan it in my weekly schedule (2 – 3 times). He also asked me at the very beginning what kind of crosstraining I do. He seemed happy with my response and basically said “Continue”. 🙂
Thank you, Yves!! I will remember that when I stand on the track tomorrow! It’s good to be scared! And yes, I really hope that I will get used to feeling uncomfortable. It’s been such a long time since I was last on a track. Nearly a year!!
Thank you for your encouragement – it really helps. It feels like you are my second coach!
Liebe Catrina,
schön hier nochmal, oder wieder 😉 von dir und euch zu lesen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch für die gelungene Staffel! – Aber so ein Käse, dass das mit dem Käse nicht geklappt hat! 😆 Auch wenn ein 4. Platz nicht zu verachten ist, habt ihr mind. 2 Gründe nächstes Jahr wieder dort aufzuschlagen, allein schon wegen des inkludierten Bahntickets. Das ist mal ein Service bei euch, bei vielen Läufen in der Schweiz.
Wie bei mir ein Käse-Ranking aussähe kann ich nicht mal genau sagen. Ich mag so viele verschiedene Sorten und doch gibt es einige, die häufiger auf dem Tisch stehen: (aus Gewohnheit?) Harzer, Bavaria Blue (würzig), Coburger Butterkäse (weil es mein Geburtsstadt ist?), Camembert mit Pfeffer und evtl. noch ein Emmentaler. – Aber solch ein Gruyère wäre auch lecker! 🙂
Staffel: ich glaube, dass es ein Mal war, da hab ich mit Arbeitskollegen eine Marathon-Staffel gemacht. Nur war es das falsche Wochenende (Januar oder Februar) mit brutal vereisten Wegen. Wirklich nervös war ich nicht, zumal ich einer der stärkeren Läufer im Team war.
Für dich freut mich, dass Lady A. wohl endlich kapiert hat, dass sie ruhig halten muss. Es geht ihr ja auch besser, wenn Catrina glücklich ist, oder? 😆 Da wünsche ich dir, dass es so bleiben möge!
Zermatt, ich hab schon so viel davon gehört. Da tut es ja Not, dass ich endlich wieder fit und gebirgstauglich werde. … und fände ich jemanden für eine Staffel, ich würde auch freiwillig die 2. Hälfte laufen! 😉
Euch alles Gute und verschanzt euch, wenn es bei euch so heiß wird, wie bei uns!
Liebe Grüße Manfred
Lieber Manfred
Danke dir! Genau, mindestens zwei Gründe, um Zermatt wieder zu besuchen!
Die inkludierten Bahntickets machen sich wirklich bezahlt, wenn man bedenkt, wie viel die alleine schon kosten. Mit unseren Starttickets hatten wir zwei T-Shirts, zwei sehr brauchbare Stofftüten, die Bahntickets und eine Pasta-Party dabei. Da kann man nicht meckern. 🙂 (Obwohl die Hotelpreise natürlich schon ziemlich astronomisch sind…)
Mhm, klingt gut, deine Auswahl! Stimmt, Camembert mag ich auch gerne. Emmentaler nicht soo, aber wird natürlich auch gegessen. Und Sbrinz! Der ist auch super!
Oh wow, eine Staffel im Winter! Mit der langen Warterei in der Kälte! Das war bestimmt auch recht hart. Ich war vor allem nervös, weil ich Angst hatte, Kai zu verpassen. Da macht er sich die ganze Mühe und ich wäre auf dem WC! Oder sonst irgendwo am Schwatzen.
Die Lady A hat schön durchgehalten! Ich bin so froh! Ich hoffe, dass es bis Berlin (und darüber hinaus) so bleibt!
Du wirst ganz bestimmt wieder topfit, du wirst sehen. Einfach dran bleiben – die Lösung wird kommen und dann geht der Knopf ganz von selber auf. Wir drücken dir alle die Daumen!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem ziemlich warmen Zürich!!
This made me laugh because in college my friend were supposed to meet other friends in Zermatt and we missed the last train. Yup. Slept in the train station.
Great race. You met the challenge. I’ve dine the Vermont marathon twice as a relay. I was nervous waiting but preferred to be second and cross the finish line.
Love cheese. All except blue and Roquefort.
Oh my! I hope that this happened in the summer! How uncomfortable that must have been! But awesome memories. 🙂
Isn’t the waiting part the worst? I kept on forgetting my number and then having to check my bib.
Me too! I don’t like the blue moldy stuff but everything else is great!
Congrats Catrina!!! What a race and what a climb. It was very kind of you to give the lesser elevation to Kai. And I laughed about what you said about husbands of running wives because mine would no way do that. He’s not even going with us to Leadville lol.
When we were in California, we kept hoping for a glimpse of Mt Whitney–the tallest peak in the continental US. Nope. Like the Matterhorn, she was hiding.
Thank you, Wendy! The climb was quite tough – I guess it’s similar to your Leadville race. Kai was happy with the lesser elevation – and it was good that he could go straight back to the hotel and shower before he went to the finish line. Haha, I bet your husband will be tracking your results, though! 🙂
A reason to go back to California! I’m sure you will see it next time! I felt sorry for the Asian tourists – they came from so far and only had one day in Zermatt. They must have been very disappointed.
I’ve been to Zermatt -It’s gorgeous could never imagine running there. Altitude is a serious killer and so challenging. Congrats to you and Kai! I would totally run for cheese 🙂
I know what you mean! Zermatt is surrounded by mountains – there’s no other way but up! We should have gone earlier to acclimatise. Thank you, Deborah!!
Halli, hallo, liebe Catrina, erwartungsgemäß gibt es hier wieder Neues, Interessantes aus eurem Läuferleben zu lesen. Wie gut, dass dein Coach Sean immer ein wachsames Auge auf dich wirft, so dass er dich auf den richtigen Weg weist – und der liebe Kai folgt seiner lieben Frau, um weiteren Schaden von ihr rechtzeitig abzuweisen – muss man sich keine Sorgen machen, man kümmert sich liebevoll um dich – und Catrina ist happy, ich freue mich für dich mit !!
Was für eine wunderschöne Szene, in der ihr laufen konntet !! Der steinige Untergrund bedarf besonderer Aufmerksamkeit, aber no problem for you !!
Gut gemacht, ihr beiden – und zum Glück hält auch dein Fuß – alles gut, Sean wirft ja ein Auge auf dich, damit es in Zukunft immer so bliebe !!
Erhole dich gut !!
Stürmische, nasse Grüße von ganz oben !
Wie froh ich bin, einen Coach zu haben! Und einen lieben Mann, der mich vor mir selbst rettet! 🙂
Ich wäre nie und nimmer bereit für diesen Marathon gewesen. Der erste Teil hatte zwar nur 600HM, aber es macht die Läufer so richtig müde. Und dann folgen noch die doppelte Anzahl an Höhenmeter! Uiui. Wer weiss, dann hätte auch die Lady A sich wieder gemeldet.
Es war wirklich sehr schön! Zermatt selbst gefällt mir zwar weniger – sehr touristisch und überlaufen. Aber die Umgebung ist herrlich.
Danke dir, liebe Margitta! Ich hoffe, dass du heute morgen trocken laufen gehen konntest.
Hier ist es auch bewölkt und angenehm kühl. Leider wird sich das auf das Wochenende ändern – es wird richtig heiss!
Nooooo you missed the cheese by six minutes!!!!! That will not stand, you have to run this race again next year.
I’m a veteran of 5 person marathon relay teams, but my only time on a 2 person relay team was a half marathon. My partner was a coworker, and he was blazing fast and I am not – runners are runners and it doesn’t matter how little we have in common. We both ran a great race, but the result was very different. At the handoff, he was in 2nd place overall…so when I started at my pace I got passed by everyone, which I found to be very funny and entertaining.
Thanks for the gorgeous views and congrats on your race!
Haha, right, Birchie?! Can’t let that cheese opportunity pass!!
That’s hilarious! Team runs can be so entertaining. I’m sure you and your coworker had a great laugh after the race!
There’s a huge relay event around Zurich, with 14 people in a team and an over 100km route. It restarts at lunchtime to get all the teams aligned. Once, our team member joined the wrong wave at the re-start, and all 14 team members got disqualified because of him.
Oooh, he was in the dog house!
Great job, Catrina! I would love to win some cheese too. That Toblerone photo is awesome! Years ago I ran a marathon relay with a few other woman. It was a blast! I would definitely do it again.
Thank you, Zenaida! Cheese is the best prize, right?
Maybe you will find a relay race near you? Now that you’ve reached your race goals for the year, you could do some additional fun races!
Yes, I like that!
Congrats on finishing your race! It sounds like you are having a strong comeback. Thats pretty cool that there are no cars there! Glad that you and Kai could do the relay together!
Thanks, Lisa! I’m glad it went so well. I attribute a lot of it to my coach – he seems to know what he’s doing.
Having no cars was so nice! No noise, no hassle to cross the street, no pollution. Fabulous!
Liebe Catrina,
auch hier nochmals Glückwünsche zum Finish, super gemacht! Nach deiner Beschreibung werde ich die 2. Hälfte nie machen, toll, dass du dich da durchgebissen hast! Und Kai ist auch immer ein zuverlässiger Partner!
Und wie böse, dass das olle Matterhorn euch das verdiente Panorama verweigert hat, dä Cheib!
Da habt ihr gutgetan, mit netten Menschen die Zeit zu genießen!
Die Käsepreise sind ja der Hammer! Ich mag sehr den Berner Käse, besonders aus “unserer” Region, damit decken wir uns immer gut ein 🙂
Staffel habe ich schon gemacht. Klar ist man da nervös, man möchte ja sein Bestes geben und nicht der Grund für schlechte Performance sein.
Erholt euch gut und dann auf zu neuen Abenteuern!
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Elke
Danke dir! Dann müssen wir zusehen, dass du die erste Hälfte machst und Chris die zweite! 🙂
Obwohl Kai sagte, dass die erste Hälfte mit 600HM nicht zu unterschätzen war. Und Marion sagte, die ersten 21km waren die schlimmsten!
Das Matterhorn wollte wohl nur erzwingen, dass wir nächstes Jahr wieder kommen. 🙂
Die Zeit mit Braunis war sehr schön – und du weisst ja, der Sonntag war noch ein ganz besonderer Tag für Marion. Was für ein schöner Zufall!
Deinen regionalen Käse kenne ich nicht so gut, zweifle aber nicht daran, dass er super ist!
Ich wollte immer auf’s WC, traute mich aber nicht, falls Kai genau in dem Moment angerannt kommt. Meine Nerven! Als ich in sah, war es eine richtige Erlösung. Und auf’s WC musste ich dann interessanterweise auch nicht mehr…:-)
Alles Gute beim Eiger Trail!
How fun!!! So did you get the much more difficult part of the race with all the climbing? I’ve never done a relay but I would love to someday. Congrats on such a strong race- bummer that you missed out on the cheese though!
Yes – my route had double the elevation than Kai’s. It took me 2h 42 minutes to finish my part – I think that’s the longest a half-marathon has ever taken me!
You would love a relay, Jenny! That would be right up your street. Maybe you can get your husband or son to do one with you?
Do I eat cheese? YES! It’s my favorite. I want to run a race where I win cheese!
Ugh. l’m sorry the Matterhorn wouldn’t show itself, but those mountain ranges are stunning. I bet the air is so clean up there. And thin lol.
Congratulations on a great race. I love relays – all the perks of a longer run without having to put in the miles.
Ha, I know that you love cheese, Jenn! I remember that you once got potatoes at a race – or was it a cabbage? Also nice, but cheese it definitely the best!
The air is fabulous. Also, it’s very quiet. No cars or planes, just the odd train. So relaxing! I wish the air wasn’t so thin, though! Haha!
Thanks! Relays have a fun social side that I really enjoy.
Wow – Look at those views! Simply stunning.
Awesome job on another great race.
Thank you, Kim! It was great fun and a special treat to run in the Alps.
Congrats to you and Kai on your relay. How fun and what a stunning setting! I’ve run five relay races, all Ragnars and lots of fun!
I didn’t realized that the mountain on the Toblerone wrapper was the Matterhorn. What a bummer that it was shy while you were there and couldn’t get a proper pictures.
Thank you, Debbie! It was great fun. A Ragnar is still on my bucket list, I would love to do one!
We had the Matterhorn on our Caran D’Ache pencil cases as school kids. That mountain was branded on our minds at an early age, ha! Next year will see it, hopefully!
Great photos. Congrats to you and Kai. The place is very scenic but too hilly for a half. But you did it: brava!
If you want to win tons of cheese come here. In Tuscia cheese, wine and oil are the usual awards.
I remember a relay in sept. 1992 the Argentario marathon (beautiful Tuscany): 3 legs. The first 2 legs flat and the 3rd only hilly to climb the Argentario mountain. We decided to run all together only the first leg laughing and talking.
Grazie, Stefano! It was very hilly! I was so glad to see the finish line, ha!
Oh, I would love to win a good Italian cheese. Or wine or olive oil! I’ve never done a race in Italy – time to change that.
That sounds even better than a proper relay race – that way, you get to chat with one another. Love it!
Congratulations to all of you! That looks and sounds like such a challenging race. And that’s a lot of cheese! Even if you didn’t see the Matterhorn it is still so beautiful there. Love the photo with the Toblerone. I didn’t know that was a thing!
Thank you, Debbie! All the elevation made it challenging. But the views and the surroundings made it worthwhile. It’s good that cheese can be stored for a while, ha!
Unfortunately, as of next year, the packaging will no longer feature the Matterhorn, as the owner (Mondelez) has decided to move the production to Slovakia. What a shame!
That is so amazing a photo with the Matterhorn and the Toblerone, Catrina. You and Kai did so amazing. That was massive elevation. Congratulations to the both of you.
Ironically my favorite cheese is Swiss. Always lower in sodium, I love the taste, and coming from Switzerland in all likelihood more pure. Free from hormones, steroids and antibiotics. 🙂
Thank you, Carl! I’m not used to that kind of elevation anymore – and the altitude was quite something. But the views were awesome.
Oh, that’s good to hear! The cheese that is known as “Swiss” abroad is actually called “Emmentaler” in Switzerland. It’s known for its holes. I like that one too!
I like the saltier ones (like Gruyère or Sbrinz) after a long run when I need more salt. The best post-race fuel, ha!
It’s always good to get cheese from happy cows!
Liebe Catrina,
ich bin wieder spät dran mit den Glückwünschen. Aber dafür kommen die umso herzlicher 🙂
Toller Lauf, toller Kai (dass er den Staffelpartner macht) und tolle (sehr schöne) Finischermedaillen.
Das das Matterhorn sich nicht zeigen wollte ist ärgerlich, aber wahrscheinlich wollte es nur sicher gehen, dass ihr wieder kommt 🙂
Beim allerbesten gefällt mir dein Lachen im Ziel.
Ich kann es nicht oft genug sagen: lachende Menschen sind einfach schön 🙂
Glückwunsch euch beiden!
Liebe Grüße
Danke dir, liebe Helge!
Du weisst, mit Glückwünschen kann man nie zu spät sein. 🙂
Ich versuche gerade, Kai wieder für eine Halbmarathon-Rolle für den September zu engagieren… ich melde ihn einfach an, das scheint am besten zu funktionieren!
Im August muss er auch wieder einspringen, in Monschau. Ich glaube, du teilst dir den Marathon mit Karina, nicht wahr?
Hoffentlich kann ich in Berlin auch mal im Ziel lachen, das wäre das Höchste der Gefühle!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem warmen Zürich!
Liebe Catrina,
ja, ich laufe Monschau mit Karina. Andi hat inzwischen auch einen Staffelpartner gefunden.
Für Berlin sind alle Daumen gedrückt. Du musst jetzt einfach nur fleißig mit allen Übungen weitermachen, damit die Sehne ruhig bleibt 🙂
Das wird bestimmt richtig gut und dann gibt es das Foto im Ziel mit einer strahlenden Catrina 🙂
Liebe Grüße
Ah, das ist ja wunderbar, liebe Helge! Dann kommt ihr zu viert – der Monschau wird ja zum richtigen Blogger-Mekka!
Genau, bis jetzt benimmt sich Lady Achilles ganz gut – sie wird auch liebevoll gehegt und gepflegt, damit sie ja ruhig bleibt!
Einen guten Start in die neue Woche mit vielen schönen Sport-Stunden!
Ha Catrina – coach Sean is such a wise man! That marathon is something with all the extra elevation! Doing a half is good training.
Hmmm Gruyere cheese – I would be very happy with that price!! And how silly is that – I never realized that it is the Matterhorn that is on the Toblerone. Now I know!
Well done!
I’m glad I have someone who checks on me and reigns me in! In hindsight, I wouldn’t have been ready for a hilly marathon.
Interestingly, Toblerone will need to remove the Matterhorn from the packaging going forward. The brand was bought by a US company (Mondelez, formerly Kraft Foods) and the production has moved to Eastern Europe – so no more Swissness in the product!
I hope the Toblerone will still taste like Swiss chocolate or maybe another Swiss chocolate brand can add a Matterhorn…
Haha! I hope so too!
Congratulations! What a great race! Congrats to your friend and you and Kai did so well!
I pretty much love all cheese. Gruyere is pretty high on my list.
Thanks, Coco!
Me too! There’s not a cheese on this planet that I don’t like, ha!
The scenery is awesome, but those hills or mountains!
I’m pretty boring when it comes to cheese: cheddar, gouda, mozzarella, parmesan. My wife and I are not into what we call “those stinky cheeses”. I’m sure cheese enthusiast find our choices bland and boring!
The mountains were nice to look at but not to climb!
I’ll tell you something: I love boring cheeses! Feta is also a bit boring but I like it. I think you would enjoy Gruyère cheese – it’s not stinky, but quite salty. A bit like parmesan.