Switching Sceneries: Back in Zurich

The past two weeks have been a study in contrasts – trading Cape Town’s bright blue skies for Zurich’s icy, foggy chill.

Before flying back to Switzerland to visit my family, we spent a few delightful days with friends in Plettenberg Bay. It’s a stunning place – its blend of beaches, forests, and rolling hills offers something for everyone. We absolutely loved it! If South Africa is on your travel list, Plettenberg Bay is a must-see.

Then, it was time to pack our bags and head home to Zurich. It was wonderful to reunite with everyone, especially my parents. Now in their 80s, I feel a little tug of worry each time we say goodbye, wondering if it might be the last. Thankfully, they’re doing well. I always encourage them to stay active, and while they sometimes go for walks on their own, they know my visits mean we’ll be walking together.

One of my favourite outings with them was a short trip up our local mountain. It’s just a 20-minute train ride but it feels like a journey to another world. We rose above the fog to clear blue skies, and they absolutely loved it. Once their coats are on and they’re out the door, they always end up enjoying themselves.

Time outdoors isn’t just for family – it’s also for friends. MapMan took part in an endurance event where participants could run as many 9.5-kilometer laps around a lake as they wanted within 24 hours. He managed an impressive eight laps, and I joined him for two (one runner did 18 rounds!). We started at 7:30am, with the world still cloaked in darkness. Sadly, the sun stayed hidden all day behind a thick veil of fog. It was freezing cold, but after each lap, we warmed ourselves with hot soup, snacks, and coffee. Small comforts that made the day even more memorable!

There were plenty of other runs and walks with friends too.

Before I left Cape Town, I gave Sandra a little pep talk about her training and asked her to keep me updated with photos after each run. Last Saturday, I got one from her brother, who had joined her for a run. He’s an excellent runner and kindly supported Sandra. Seeing that photo made my day!

  • Which do you prefer – meeting friends and family for dinner or outdoor activities? -Outdoor activities. Always.
  • How do you spend New Year’s Eve? -I love a quiet evening at home!

I’m joining Runs with Pugs and The Running Teacher’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By MileCoach Debbie RunsConfessions of a Mother Runner and Runs with Pugs.


  1. It was so great to see you yesterday!! A wonderful walk up and down the mountain. Have a lovely ‘Silvester’, and Happy New Year!

    1. It was a great to see you too, Kat! I always enjoy our chats – you have so many fresh and new ideas, it’s very inspiring. Looking forward to seeing you next summer again!

  2. Was für ein krasser Unterschied – hier Meer – Sonne – herrliche Landschaft – dort ( ein ” paar ” Kilometer ” weiter ) Schnee, Kälte ! ABER Laufen geht immer und überall !! Irre ! Wie hast du den Temperaturunterschied verkraftet, um so schnell wieder in heimischen Gefilden laufen zu können ? Das ist halt Catrina & Co. !!

    Deine Eltern sind happy, deine Läufer in South Africa auch…..the coach is away !!!

    Outdoor activities – sowieso immer – aber das ist ja bekannt !
    New Year’s Eve – Quiet at home !! Früher war das allerdings anders !

    Alles Gute für 2025 für euch beide, bleibt gesund, unverletzt !

    Liebe Grüße von der stürmischen Ostsee, hier soll es heute Nacht ordentlich stürmen – Feiern im Freien wurden teilweise schon abgesagt – Feuerwerke können sehr gefährlich werden.

    Auf ein Neues, liebe Catrina !

    1. Man gewöhnt sich tatsächlich schnell an die Temperaturunterschiede – trotzdem mag ich die Kälte gar nicht, vor allem in den ersten Minuten eines Laufs, wenn der Körper noch nicht warm ist. Aber immerhin muss man sich nicht mit der Hitze herumschlagen! 😅

      Es ist wirklich schön, die Eltern zu sehen und Zeit mit ihnen draussn zu verbringen. Wir telefonieren zwar jeden Tag, wenn ich in Cape Town bin, aber zusammen etwas zu unternehmen ist doch nochmal etwas anderes.

      Oh, ein Sturm! Da ist es in der warmen Stube gleich doppelt so gemütlich. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen, entspannten Abend.

      Danke, liebe Margitta! Dir ebenso. Das neue Jahr wird auf alle Fälle spannend!

  3. I was just chatting with husband over the long drive today whether we will ever live in Africa. I want to explore the continent eventually, maybe once the girls go to college.
    I would love to do hiking with friends and families, unfortunately most of them are not active so it’s usually over meals.
    Enjoy your holidays back home.

    1. Oh, that would be an interesting adventure for you! Your kids would love a safari and I’m sure that you and your husband would enjoy Cape Town.
      Sharing a meal is also a nice experience! I often go running beforehand to make sure I’ve got rid of my energy before I sit down. 🤣
      Thank you – enjoy NZ!

  4. Liebe Catrina,
    ah wie schön, du bist wieder da! Ich habe schon auf Strava “gesehen”, wie kalt es in Zürich ist. 😉
    Wie toll, dass du hier wie dort sofort Gesellschaft zum laufen hast, tolle Unternehmungen startest und FreundInnen triffst. Hut ab vor MapMan und seinen gesammelten Runden!
    Ich hoffe, ihr habt noch eine feine Zeit in der Schweiz, viele tolle Stunden mit deinen Eltern und kommt gut ins Neue Jahr!

    1. Liebe Doris
      Ha, genau! Ich glaube, wir haben sehr ähnliche Temperaturen gerade. 😊
      Es ist so schön, alle Lauffreunde, sonstige Freunde und natürlich die Familie zu sehen. Es ist alles sehr intensiv, weil wir nur zwei Wochen haben, aber auch sehr schön.
      Ich werde es dem MapMan ausrichten! Der Pfäffikersee wäre auch ein guter 1’000-er Kandidat für dich.
      Danke – dir ebenso eine schöne Zeit. Ich sehe, du kommst sehr gut voran mit deiner Dezember-Challenge. Super gemacht!!

  5. When I first saw your snowy pictures on Strava I was quite confused until I remembered you’d probably gone to visit your parents for the holidays. You run and hike in such beautiful places!

    You must be very proud of Sandra and grateful to her brother for filling in while you’re away.

    Happy New Year, Catrina! We’re having a very quiet New Year’s Eve at home, just the way we like it these days.

    1. Ha, exactly! Such a contrast in landscapes, but both are stunning in their own way. Your walking and biking routes are just as breathtaking—those Vermont views in today’s post? Wow! 😍
      I’m so proud of Sandra for sticking to her plan. We mapped out her running route (“from this trash bin to that sign and back”), and she nailed it, just as we’d discussed.
      And yes, who needs loud parties anyway? Wishing you a lovely, peaceful time, Debbie!

  6. I’m sure your parents were so happy to have you home for the holidays. It’s amazing how much you look like your mom. I completely understand your worries about your parents. My mom’s dementia is slowly worsening, but she’s doing quite well with my dad at home.

    We’ve had a lot of fog this winter as well–it’s so strange, isn’t it? I love your photos! The fog makes for some interesting views.

    BTW, my sister is traveling to South Africa this spring. I’ll be sure to tell her about Plettenberg Bay!

    1. They were so happy to see us—and it’s really nice to be back and spending time with the family! Ha, it’s true, I’ve definitely inherited a lot from my mom. Dementia is such a tough one. Thankfully, both of my parents are still very sharp, but my dad did have an operation (a standard procedure) while we were away. And just yesterday, the ophthalmologist said he’ll need eye surgery in March. There’s always something, isn’t there?
      I had the same thought when I saw your photos the other day! You could have been running in Zurich—though we don’t have quite as many deer as you do!
      That’s so exciting! Let me know if she’s planning a trip to Cape Town—it would be so much fun to meet her!

  7. That forest looks like something I would enjoy for a walk! I can totally relate to visiting parents… mine are 78 and I always worry about them these days. It’s always good to see them even if it isn’t often. We never go up north in the winter but we do video chats on Christmas.
    Looks like you’re making the most of your trip back home seeing family and friends. Well done going out running in the fog and snow (it does look like a lot of fun!) That photo of the pier in the fog is fantastic!
    I always prefer outdoor activities but only if it’s in a proper season or at least decent weather, not too cold and no ice or snow.

    1. You would have absolutely loved this walk, Susanne! It was such a lovely single trail – nice and cool with the river running alongside it.
      Ah, you can relate! Mine are in their mid-80s, and it’s tough to see them growing frailer with each visit. I’m sure your parents treasured your video chat – it must have really brightened their day.
      That foggy lake would’ve been perfect for your camera! The fog gave everything such a unique vibe – spooky yet fascinating.
      And I have to admit, as much as I like the outdoors, you make a good point: there’s something so comforting about a cozy evening on a cold night. (In Switzerland, it’s usually accompanied by fondue, of course! 🤣)

  8. Nachdem du mir schon so oft auf den Blogs, bei denen ich noch mitlese (viele sind das nicht) über das Tablet bzw. dessen Monitor gelaufen bist .. guck’ ich einfach auch mal hier vorbei. Und stelle fest: du gehörst zu den absolut Leidenschaftlichen, wenn’s um’s Laufen geht. Liest sich so begeistert und schwungvoll! 🙂
    Außerdem scheint Zürich ziemlich sehens- und lebenswert zu sein.
    Mit einem selbstverständlich nur digitalen Böller auf den Jahresausklang verabschiedet sich vorerst wieder grüßend


    1. Hallo liebe Lizzy! 🙌😃
      Genau, ich kenne dich aus deinen Kommentaren, jetzt muss ich auch mal zu dir “rübergehen” und sehen, was da los ist. Ich liebe die Lauferei und hoffe, dass ich noch so ein paar Jährchen durch die Gegend hüpfen kann.
      Zürich ist wirklich toll! (Okay, vielleicht bin ich da ein kleines bisschen voreingenommen… 😉). Doris war ja schon mal hier und kann bestätigen, dass es sich hier nicht schlecht leben lässt (obwohl sie es wahrscheinlich nicht so toll wie das Ländle findet…)
      Und danke für den leisen, rücksichtsvollen digitalen Böller! 🎉😅

    2. Liebe Catrina,

      ich wiederhole gerne die auf anderem Kanal geäußerten guten Wünsche und denke mir, dass ihr sehr gut ins neue Jahr starten konntet!

      Toll ist, dass du dran bleibst und deine Eltern ‘vor die Tür jagst’ 😆 und doch so einiges mit ihnen machst. Genieße die Zeit mit ihnen, solange du sie noch hast.

      Mapman ist gut drauf und so ein bisschen neid…. – nee, nicht wirklich, da ich nicht weiß, ob ich noch längere Sachen machen wollte. Wenigstens nicht mit lädiertem Knie! 😉

      Richte ihm bitte Glückwünsche aus! Er soll dranbleiben, solange er es noch so gut kann!

      Eine zeitlang hab ich einen Silvesterlauf mitgemacht, dann sind wir immer wieder mal zu einem Jahresausklang in die Kirche, aber den eigentlichen Abend haben wir immer im eher kleineren Familienkreis verbracht. Silvester 2024 waren wir nur zu zweit, hatten am Nachmittag des 1. Januar aber die jungen Leute zum Café bei uns. Böllerei mögen wir nicht, lehnen sie eher aus verschiedensten Gründen ab.

      Guten Flug zurück, hoffentlich ist der Flughafen dann nicht vereist, wie es momentan so einige sind.

      Und dann ‘unten’ weiterhin und wieder viel Spaß beim Training auch mit und für andere.

      Bleib gesund und unverletzt und viele liebe Grüße Manfred

      1. Lieber Manfred,
        vielen Dank für die guten Wünsche – die gebe ich natürlich sehr gerne zurück! 😊
        Eure Silvester-Tradition klingt schön entspannt. Und ein gemütlicher 1. Januar passt perfekt dazu. Eure Ablehnung der Böllerei unterstütze ich absolut – aus Rücksicht auf Tiere, Menschen und die Umwelt.

        Meine Eltern machen zum Glück gut mit bei den täglichen Spaziergängen. Heute steht wieder eine kleine Runde an, gefolgt von einem heissen Tee. Du hast Recht, es ist ein Geschenk, solche Erinnerungen schaffen zu können.

        Mapman wird sich sicher über deine Glückwünsche freuen! Dieses Jahr plant er wieder eine Teilnahme am TAR, nachdem das Wetter letztes Jahr so viel Durcheinander gebracht hat. Er ist unglaublich fit – das motiviert mich gleich mit.

        Danke auch für die guten Wünsche für unseren Rückflug! Danach starte ich richtig durch mit meinem „Road to Boston“. Ich freue mich!

        Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spass auf deiner Fitnessreise. Laufen ist nicht alles! Es gibt viele andere Wege (und sogar bessere!) um aktiv zu bleiben. Hauptsache, man geniesst, was möglich ist.

        Viele liebe Grüße aus dem halb-sonnigen Zürich!

  9. Brr… looks cold in Zurich.

    I prefer outdoor activities but most of my friends and all of my family prefer dinners… so I have been eating a lot lately!!

    And yes dinner out the the last 3 nights with family!!

    1. It’s freezing! Not my favourite time of the year!
      Ha, I’ve been eating a lot too lately! Having dinner with family and friends is nice, but even better if they agree to go for a walk first! 😅

  10. Happy New Year Catrina!!! Enjoy the time with your fam, and thanks for sharing the gorgeous views from both of your countries.

    We usually stay at home on NYE but tonight we’re headed over to see friends and I’m looking forward to it – even though it means I have to stay up until midnight.

    I love meeting up with folks to walk. It’s been a part of nearly all of my blogger meetups. I like having dinner as well, but if I have to chose then I want the walk!

    1. Thank you, Birchie! It’s so great to see everyone!
      I hope you made it through the late night unscathed! 😂 Spending the evening with good friends sounds like a wonderful way to wrap up the year. Ah yes, I remember you always went out for walks together – it seems like us blogger peeps really are all cut from the same cloth!

  11. Contrasts indeed! I always love when you make the switch1 and I love how much care you put into your parents.
    I prefer to meet up for outdoor activities or experiences. Dinner is fun, but I want more.
    We are chilling at home for NYE. I don’t like going out anymore.

    1. If only Zurich and Cape Town weren’t so far apart! The long trip makes it extra special to be here and I’m glad I can see my parents. I appreciate your kind words, Jenn!
      Exactly! Outdoor adventures definitely add that special touch that you don’t easily forget.
      I’m sure you had a relaxing and cozy evening yesterday!

  12. Liebe Catrina,
    ja da habt ihr wirklich gerade Kontraste von Sommer zu tiefem Winter! Aber ihr seid ja ein Stück daran gewöhnt.
    Schön, dass deine Eltern noch so gut “zwäg” sind und ihr die Zeit zusammen genießen könnt. Und das Bewusstsein, dass dies bald enden könnte, lässt dich sicher die Eindrücke nochmals intensiver erleben. Eine Bekannte hat das ähnlich, aber dort lebt der Vater “nur” auf Gran Canaria, aber wie bei dir, nicht eben um die Ecke.
    Was für ein verrückter Lauf, 24 Stunden (!) im Winter! Reto hat ja viele km gesammelt, aber er ist doch nicht durch die Nacht gelaufen, oder……?
    Und wie prima ist das denn, Sandra lässt nicht nach, auch wenn Coaching-Catrina gerade mal unterwegs ist!
    Wir hatten einen ruhigen Silvester, wie immer, möchten wir doch bei unseren Katzen sein um ihnen ein wenig Beruhigung geben zu können bei der Knallerei hier.
    Habt auch ihr einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Elke,
      Genau, diese 11 Stunden Flug bieten ausreichend Zeit, sich mental vorzubereiten. 😅
      Heute waren wir wieder spazieren. Beide haben ein bisschen gegrummelt, dass es eher wie ein Survival-Trek war (ein kleiner Hügel und ca. 80 Treppenstufen waren zu überwinden), aber am Ende waren sie doch froh, es gemacht zu haben. Du hast völlig recht: Das Bewusstsein, dass die Zeit begrenzt ist, macht diese Momente umso wertvoller.
      Reto hat am Freitagnachmittag 5 Runden gedreht und am Samstagmorgen weitere 3 geschafft (der Lauf ging von Freitag 12h bis Samstag 12h). Aber es gab tatsächlich ein paar Verrückte, die die ganze Nacht durchgelaufen sind! Dafür gab’s dann auch ein Fondue um 3 Uhr morgens! 🤣
      Ich glaube, wir ticken da alle ähnlich – nichts geht über einen entspannten Silvesterabend zu Hause. Gut, dass eure Katzen die „Tortur“ heil überstanden haben.
      Ich wünsche dir ebenfalls einen guten Start ins neue Jahr und bin gespannt, was bei dir alles laufen wird!
      Liebe Grüße aus dem dunklen Zürich!

  13. I’m so glad you were able to spend some time with your family! I definitely prefer a quiet New Years Eve at home!

    1. It’s so lovely to see everyone in person! It seems we’re all on the same page—nothing beats a cozy evening at home!

  14. That is quite the change of scenery! Both are beautiful though. We also stayed home for NYE this year and it was great. Have a happy new year and strong 2025

    1. It’s a bit like your shift from Aruba to home – there’s something special about being back and seeing everyone in person. Zoom calls just can’t capture the same feeling!
      That sounds like such a cozy evening! Wishing you the same, Deborah. I can’t wait to see all the exciting things you have planned!

  15. It must be nice to return to Switzerland and see family and friends but man, it looks so cold! I’m glad you had a good time and got in some runs and activities with everyone while you were there.

    1. It’s freezing, Debbie! That’s the one downside of heading home this time of the year. But it’s so nice to see everyone again and get out for some outdoor activities together – it makes braving the cold worth it!

  16. Beautiful photos as always!!! Yes, I guess the difference between Cape Town and Zurich is pretty stark. But, they’re both beautiful. That 24 hour event around the lake looks sooooo cold- but also amazing.
    Enjoy your time with your parents! It’s great that you get them outside and walking. And, to answer your question… definitely a quiet evening at home for New Years.

    1. It’s hard to believe that just 24 hours ago, we were running around in T-shirts, and now I’m back in freezing Zurich! Jenny, you would absolutely hate it here right now!
      We’ve been making it a point to get out for a walk every day. There’s sometimes a bit of grumbling, but they’re glad they did it once it’s over—it’s like a daily mini-victory.
      I hope you get to enjoy a few more relaxing days—you definitely deserve it! 😊

  17. I love following along on your adventures! Thank you for sharing them with us. I am more of a food person so I would prefer to meet family and friends for dinner. 🙂

    1. Thank you for reading, Zenaida! Meeting up with friends and family over dinner really is the best. I do love sneaking in a bit of outdoor time beforehand. It makes the meal feel even more rewarding! 😊

  18. Happy New Year 2025, Catrina! Hope you have a happy and healthy year.

    Loved to see the difference between SA and Switzerland through your photos – you definitely need all sorts of running gear in different seasons and weather, don’t you. Do you use studded shoes in Zurich? For me in Finland they have been a godsend, even for just walks. Almost wish I could wear them for work…

    1. Thank you, Riitta! Wishing you the same! 😊
      Fortunately, I’ve got plenty of (old) winter gear in Zurich that works well for our conditions. I don’t have studded shoes, though—winters here at Zurich’s elevation (400m) are milder compared to the Alps or Finland. I can definitely see how useful they’d be, though!
      Your days are getting longer in Finland now – you’ve turned the corner!

  19. Ein gutes neues Jahr euch beiden! Ihr macht Klimazonen-Hopping vom Feinsten 🙂 Deine Eltern freuen sich darüber und das ist gut so. Und deine “Laufschülerin” macht tapfer auch mal ohne dich weiter, super! Im Winter einen 24h-Lauf zu machen stell ich mir das echt hart vor, Respekt an Mapman und allen anderen Teilnehmern!
    Und ja, Silvester so gemütlich und ruhig wie möglich, wenns geht mit Outdoor Aktivitäten garniert, siehe mein Blogbeitrag 😉
    Liebe Grüße, Oliver

    1. Klimazonen-Hopping und leider auch Klima-Erwärmungs-Beitrag! Dies stört mich sehr. Unser Plan ist, unsere Flüge auf nur 1x im Jahr zu reduzieren, mal sehen, wie sich das am besten umsetzen lässt.
      Genau das haben wir auch mit MapMan und den anderen besprochen – eigentlich findet der Event zur falschen Jahreszeit statt. Im Frühling (z.B. Ostern) wäre es viel angenehmer!
      Ich sehe gerade, dass ich keine Mail von deinen Blogbeiträgen bekommen habe! 😱 Gut, dass du es erwähnt hast, sonst hätte ich die noch verpasst!
      Liebe Grüsse aus dem dunklen Zürich!

  20. Your mom and dad are looking really good, Catrina. It would be very hard for you when you are away in South Africa. My wife’s mom is 90 years old and lives alone in New Zealand. No family nearby. My daughter Naomi is 6 hours away. Getting frailer, she doesn’t leave the house anymore. Neighbors are kind to bring her groceries. Refuses any help beyond that. Very hard for my wife Lynne being so far away. So glad your mom and dad are able to get outdoors and are able to go for walks. Do you live close by in Switzerland? Hope you have some wonderful times ahead.
    Anyways Plettenberg Bay looks spectacular. What a great place to explore.
    Train service in Switzerland really amazes me. Looks like wonderful times getting back together with your running peeps. Quite New Years Eve here. Watched a movie which ended around 11:45. Then watched a YouTube channel that was being streamed in Toronto for the countdown into 2025. No crowds that way. 🎉

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Carl!
      I remember you mentioning that about Lynn’s mom, that must be so hard for Lynn! New Zealand is very far away. It’s a relief to hear that her neighbours are so supportive, but I imagine it’s still tough knowing she’s on her own and refusing extra help. Your daughter Naomi must feel the distance, too.
      I’m fortunate to live only a 10-minute walk away from my parents here in Zurich. Yesterday, I walked with them to our place and we had a cup of tea together. It makes all the difference to be close. It’s such a blessing that they’re still able to get outdoors and enjoy their walks.
      Plettenberg Bay really is a special place—so much natural beauty to soak in!
      And yes, Switzerland’s train system is amazing—it makes exploring and meeting up with friends so easy. The trains are clean, safe and on time by the second.
      Sounds like you had a nice, relaxed New Year’s Eve. Isn’t a quiet evening at home the best?

  21. You find the most fabulous hikes no matter where you are! Enjoy the time with your parents. Love that your running “student” is keeping up with her training and has her brother’s support.

    1. Zurich is a great place for hiking! My parents are enjoying their daily walks, although sometimes the weather isn’t the best.
      Sandra has sent me more photos since that run with her brother. Her race will be in 4 weeks, so there’s not much time left!

  22. That is quite a change in scenery (and weather) but all of your pics are stunning! I too will opt for an outdoor activity any day. That’s so great your parents are so mobile in their 80s. That is my goal!

    1. Zurich is nice when the sun is out – otherwise it can get quite dreary. I’m glad my parents are willing to go on their daily walks – they sometimes grumble, but they’re always happy when they’ve done it. 😂 Outdoor activities are the best!
      You will achieve that goal, Marcia!

  23. It definitely looks icy and cold back in Switzerland (that I’ve seen on your strava!)

    Plettenberg Bay looks incredible, and I’ve just realised it’s very close to where we’ll be staying this month so we’ll definitely go check it out.

    I didn’t realise you were a coach now too Catrina! That’s awesome. It must be an incredible feeling to watch someone grow as an athlete under your guidance. Love the photo they sent training while you were away 🙂

    I’m definitely on the latter side of meeting up and doing activities with friends – an outdoor activity is always best in my opinion. You get to enjoy the endorphins together afterward. I’m also more of a quiet new years celebration fan myself. We had a quiet one this year and let our kids stay up to just past midnight. We had snacks and played games with them all the way up till midnight.

    1. Thank you! It really has been icy back here in Switzerland. I see you’ve been adding some indoor rides to balance out your trail runs. It sounds like the weather’s been keeping you on your toes too!
      How exciting that you’ll be so close to Plettenberg Bay! I’ve heard great things about the hike at Robberg Nature Reserve. We didn’t do it, but it’s supposed to be stunning. I’m sure you and your family will explore all the options.
      Being a “mini-coach” has been such a fun and rewarding adventure. That training photo she sent completely melted my heart. We’ll fly back to Cape Town tomorrow evening, and I can’t wait to text her for a run as soon as I unpack!
      Shared outdoor endorphins are the best, aren’t they? I bet your kids loved the special treat of staying up past midnight. I remember I loved it as a kid! Now, even just thinking about staying up makes me tired. 😅

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