Looking back on 2021.
2021 turned out to be quite a good year:
- Running kilometres: 3’421k as of today. My plan is to hit 3’456k by Friday to hit a quirky number.
- Races: 14 (7 in South Africa, 6 in Switzerland and 1 in Germany)
We finally got the results from last week’s 10k race: my time was 44:15 and Kai’s was 43:20. Overall, I was 14th of 530 women (age group: 1st of 53). Kai was 65th of 651 men (age group: 5th of 70).
In other news, Richard Kohler, who is attempting to kayak from South Africa to Brazil, had to detour to the mainland yesterday because his main solar panel stopped working. We are still obsessed with his blog and hope he can continue his adventure.
And now, for the five favourites of 2021:
1. My favourite race moment:
Crossing the finish line on the fourth and last race day of the Traverse in November. Analie, my competitor in my age group, grabbed my hand and we crossed the finish line together. At the end of the four days, Analie finished first and I second.
2. My favourite run:
The one in June where we got lost with MapMan Reto. It was hilarious!
We laughed our heads off.
Towards the end, we got caught in heavy rain. It got even worse when we had to take a very steep and muddy route that involved climbing over many fallen tree trunks.
Mapman studying the map. Still studying the map. Yep, still studying the map.
3. My favourite hike:
The hike that we did in October with two friends. The route took us up a Swiss mountain range called “Rigi Hochflue”. It was a tricky one with a lot of climbing, but the views from the top were worth the effort (and frazzled nerves).
4. My favourite bike ride:
The ride up a Swiss Alpine pass in September. The road was closed for cars and open only for cyclists. And to top it all, the event was for free!
5. My favourite family moment:
At the end of August, we visited Kai’s mum in Germany. My mum and dad joined us and we had a wonderful time together. Both our parents are becoming more fragile as they grow older so we were glad we could do this.
Lübeck. Mölln, Germany.
6. My favourite food:
Judging from the photos on my phone, we like charcuterie boards. It’s a good thing that we don’t like the same things ON the board, or else it would be a constant fight over food.
- Do you like to hit a quirky number for your annual running total?
- Do you mind sharing food with others?
I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs and Laura Norris Running.
Guten Morgen, liebe Catrina, da ist sie die angekündigte Zusammenfassung deiner sportlichen Aktivitäten im zur Neige gehenden Jahr. Da wir ja nahezu bei allen Läufen per Blog eingeladen wurden, keine direkten Neuigkeiten, ABER ein schöner Rückblick über das, was dir die letzten Monate am meisten Freude bereitet hat – YEAH !! Schön, es noch einmal Revue passieren zu lassen.
Natürlich ist es schön, wenn man in einem Jahr mehr Kilometer als in einem anderen zu verzeichnen hatte, aber direkt darauf hingearbeitet habe ich nie.
Und was das Essen angeht: sehr gerne !
Möge das kommende Jahr dir mindestens genauso viel Freude und Läufe in bester Gesundheit bieten, das wünsche ich dir von ❤
Genau! Die treuen Blogleser kennen natürlich alle “Favourites” schon. Wenn man das Jahr auf 6 Punkte zusammenfasst, ist es manchmal erstaunlich, was da so hängenbleibt.
Auf Ende Jahr arbeite ich gerne auf eine schnapsig-schöne Kilometerzahl – entweder eine runde Zahl oder sonst irgendwie speziell. Lange dachte ich, es wird die 3’333, aber jetzt wird es wohl eher 3’456. Ist quirky genug!
Danke, das wünsche ich dir auch, liebe Margitta! Nehmen wir die 2022 in Angriff! Es gibt wieder viele Pläne und Ziele, ich freue mich darauf.
How wonderful to look back on your year. Sounds like you had a lot of great moments.
I don’t generally love sharing food with others because when I was little, my dad used to always steal my favourite yoghurts from the fridge! But it all depends on the moment and the mood. At a nice restaurant, it can be fun to share some dishes.
Have a great end of the year and hope to see you soon!
It’s amazing how much can happen in only 12 months, Kat! I’m sure your year was jam-packed with fun things and that you logged thousands of kilometres on your bike.
Oh no! Dads nicking their daughters’ favourite yoghurts… This reminds me of the fridge we used to have at work. We labelled them with our names, but it didn’t stop the yoghurts from disappearing. At least there were never any past-due-date items in there, haha!
Looking forward to meeting up soon, Kat!
You clearly had an excellent running year! And of course you have to end it in a good number like that, or make it an even number. I could never, ever end a run at 4,98 – I´d run around in circles if needed to get an even 5… 😀
I love charcuterie boards or “tapas-style” eating! Lots of small dishes where everybody has a favourite is the best.
Haha, me neither, Riitta! I’m sure my neighbours sometimes wonder why I’m running up and down the road at the end of a run. It’s all for the ROUND numbers! 🙂
I was really surprised that so many races were held. After 2021, I didn’t have any high hopes, but they happened after all!
Yes! That’s a good expression, “tapas-style” eating. I find it’s slower, too, which is nice. 🙂
Liebe Catrina,
ein schöner Jahresrückblick, von allem etwas dabei :-)! Eine beeindruckende km-Zahl hast du erlaufen und prima Zeiten, wow. Und dann noch in teils profiliertem Gelände! Mir gefällt, dass es aber dennoch nicht nur auf die Zahl ankommt, sondern auch auf Erlebnisse, Spaß an der Freude, Begegnungen. Unterwegs verloren zu gehen, mit einer anderen Läuferin gemeinsam zu finishen, ich glaube, daran erinnert man sich besonders lang!
Ich brauche nicht unbedingt bestimmte Ergebniszahlen am Jahresende, wenn es besser wird, als im Jahr zuvor, ist es gut, muss aber nicht.
Chris und ist haben einen ähnlichen Geschmack beim essen und gern probieren wir vom Teller des anderen.
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Elke
Genau, die Kilometerzahl ist eher ein Nebenprodukt, die läppern sich automatisch zusammen wenn man für etwas trainiert. Wie zum Beispiel den Eigertrail oder den Berlin Marathon! 🙂
Das Bestimmen der 6 Jahreshighlights ist eine interessante Übung, weil ich dabei alle Posts kurz überfliege und mich an die Momente zurückerinnere. Die Situation, wo ich dich, Chris, Marion und Wolfgang am Wegesrand beim Eigertrail sah, war auch so ein Lieblingsmoment. Ich weiss noch genau, wie ich mich darüber gefreut habe. Überhaupt war das ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
Probiererlis! Vom Teller des anderen schmeckt es immer besser, gäll! 😉
So many great memories, Catrina — picking must’ve been tough!
There was a time I didn’t share well. Especially if it involved chocolate (sometimes that’s still true, LOL!). Someone has a habit of eating quickly too . . . so often we divvy up the food in the beginning so that I don’t have to feel rushed.
I hope 2022 brings just as many good memories, Catrina!
It was a lovely year, Judy. I loved seeing your photos too, especially those from your hikes!
Ha, I know exactly what you mean. Kai eats much faster than me and then tends to dive into my plate as well. Fortunately, we don’t like the same things (e.g. I like bread and pizza crusts, he prefers the soft middle part), so we get by.
I hope so too, Judy! I wish you a great 2022 as well. As you said in your post today, there will be ups and downs. But I hope that the ups will outweigh the downs.
With things like fries they have a tendency to disappear very quickly if I don’t divide them first! We’ve almost always shared dessert, though. 😊
I just shared a dessert yesterday evening – it was tiramisu!
I loved following along these great memories. Thank you for sharing them with us. I cannot believe you ran 14 races! Poor Richard. Bummer about what happened.
Thank you for reading and for hosting this link-up throughout 2021, Zenaida! It’s so much fun to read about everyone’s adventures and insights.
It’s a shame about Richard… But he’s persistent, so I’m sure we will see him soon on his second attempt.
What a fun year of adventure you had Catrina! So many wonderful memories! I’m usually fine with sharing food, but as Judy said, the Caveman tends to eat much more quickly than I so that can be a problem. Cheers to an amazing 2022!
2021 turned out to be a great running year, Marcia! I didn’t expect so many races to pop up, so that was an extra-nice surprise.
Ha, yes! It must be a man-thing, because Kai wolfs down his food as well. And then turns to my plate for more… but at least we have different preferences, so it’s not too bad.
Looking forward to reading your 2022 adventures, Marcia!
Loved reading your posts this year. I love that your favorites are not just about running. I might steal your idea.
But great events and memories. So varied and fun.
I can share food but I tend to be the hog.
I can’t wait to follow your adventures in 2022.
Thank you, Darlene! I’m glad you have a blog because that way I get to learn all about the races in your area. And in Florida!
It’s really cool that you race so much, I hope I will be doing that too when I’m in your age group.
Haha, you’re the runner in the family so you’re allowed to be the hog! 🙂
Cheers to 2022, Darlene! Wishing you a great running and racing year!
You all managed to have a really fun and adventurous year of running, cycling and hiking. I always love your photos and following along on your adventures
Thank you, Deborah! I loved seeing your Aruba photos as well in the past two weeks. These blog link-ups are a great invention, that way we get to see everyone’s running adventures in different parts of the world. So inspiring!
Congrats on your 1st place and congrats to you both for the fast pace in the 10K.
Love to read your posts that show us different beautiful parts of the world.
That hiking is too scary. Not for me, either in the past too. As a former sailor I prefer the adventures in the sea.
Sharing food depends by the situations and the persons…..
Thank you, Stefano! It was a nice race to close the year with.
I love how we get to see different parts of the world through other blogs. Seeing Italy is great fun, too!
Ah yes! We were at a dinner party yesterday with a lot of food. I was glad I could share my plate!
Your mileage is impressive! The only “odd” mileage goal that I’ve ever come up with is that I think it would be cool to run an average of 26.2 miles per week which would be 1,362.40 miles in a year. I’ve never quite made it since I usually end up running less toward the end of the year, but I think that would be fun. I loved joining in on your races vicariously through the blog.
I’m totally down to share food, since I’d rather have a little bit of several things than a lot of one thing.
I had that same idea of running a weekly marathon, Birchie! But then I switched it to 50k a week, which was easier to calculate. 🙂 Thanks to the ultra training it turned out to be more kilometres than anticipated.
I run much less towards the end of the year as well. Maybe I should start streaking like you do!
Right! And if you don’t like the other things you try you don’t have to finish them!
I loved reading about and seeing your pictures from your favorites of 2021. It certainly looks like lots of fun times!
I usually like nice and even numbers for yearly totals, but if I didn’t happen to be near a tidy number, a quirky number would be fun!
Indeed, Debbie, there were a lot of fun moments in 2021.
Exactly! I first thought of 3’300km, then 3’333km. Now I have to go for the next quirky number!
Liebe Catrina,
eine tolle Best of-Liste hast du da zusammengestellt. Oft ist es ja gar nicht so einfach, sich für ein Highlight zu entscheiden, aber gerade bei deiner Auswahl sieht man, wie viel die emotionale Komponente ausmacht. Besonders schön, dass auch ein “Hoppala, der Weg ist weg Lauf” es in deinen Rückblick geschafft hat. Das zeigt, dass nicht alles nur glatt gehen muss, damit man Spass hat. 😀
Ich wünsche dir feine Tage in der Schweiz!
Liebe Doris
Stimmt! Wenn etwas schief läuft, ist man mit mehr Gefühl dabei. Du wirst dich vermutlich auch ewig an deinen Sturz in Bern erinnern. 😉
Unser Bern-Weekend war auch sehr schön, insbesondere das gemütliche Beisammensein an den Abenden. Der GP Bern war der Auftakt zu deinen Ferien und der Anfang von vielen herrlichen Herbsttagen. Extra für dich!
Ich hoffe, dass du immer noch deine K’s geniesst, diesmal ohne Challenge-Druck.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem verregneten Zürich!
You had such a great year of running! It was fun following along on your adventures. I didn’t have a goal mileage this year but I recently realized I am close to 1600 so I am hoping to get to that over the next couple of days!
Oh, that would be a nice number, Lisa! I’m sure you will reach it.
I’m really glad this year worked out so well. For next year, I want to do more on the bike to reduce the stress on the body from running.
Liebe Catrina,
tja, da versuche ich noch (fast verzweifelt 😛 ) Routine in meine Lauferei zu bekommen, da machst du schon einen Jahresrückblick. … einen beeindruckenden dazu noch. Eine tolle Kilometerzahl bekommst du auch noch zusammen. Wenn ich mich noch strecke, schaffe ich hoffentlich gerade so über der Hälfte von deiner km-Zahl zu bleiben. Nach einem 2. Jahr mit vielen Unterbrechungen ist bei mir hoffentlich mal wieder ein schöneres dran.
Dein 2021 war ein sehr schönes Jahr und das freut mich besonders für dich und euch. Du kannst auf viele schöne Erlebnisse zurückblicken. Das kommt in deiner Hitliste so richtig gut rüber! Mit gefallen auch die ‘Kategorien’, die du da aufgemacht hast. Da fehlen sogar die Lieben der älteren Generation, die meine Frau und ich leider nicht mehr haben. Genießt möglichst oft noch Zeit mit ihnen, solange ihr sie noch habt!
Danke auch für die vielen Bilder, auch wenn sie nur noch mal hervorgekramt wurden!
Schräge Zahlen erreichen, oder überschreiten … klar mache ich das gerne, fast so, als hätte ich es erfunden! 😆 … dieses Jahr gelingt es mir nicht, muss mal schauen, ob vielleicht doch noch irgendwas in erreichbarer Nähe ist! 🙂
Ooch, ein lieber Mensch darf gerne auch mal ein Probiererli von meinem Teller nehmen. Meine Frau und ich machen das schon so manches Mal, vor allem, wenn wir uns ein ‘Eat-Out’ gönnen und was Neues, oder nicht so Bekanntes ausprobieren. Ansonsten haben wir recht ähnliche Geschmäcker, wahrscheinlich über die 40 Jahre angeglichen! 😉
Genießt eure Zeit in der Schweiz, ist ja nicht sooo kalt, zumindest nicht so kalt, wie es sein könnte!
Aus dem warmen Darmstadt (11°)
Liebe Grüße Manfred
Lieber Manfred
Die Kilometer läpperten sich vor allem im 1. Halbjahr zusammen während dem Addo-Training. Das hat Spass gemacht! Ich bin sicher, dass es bei dir in 2022 wieder super laufen wird. Jetzt hast du zwei harte Jahre gehabt (die Pandemie hilft auch nicht) aber es geht wieder aufwärts! Zumindest kannst du wieder mit einer Laufgruppe mitmachen, das ist ja schon mal ein netter Anfang.
Du hast Recht – die Eltern werde ich nicht mehr lange haben. Sie sind mental immer noch super fit, aber körperlich ist es mit ihnen in den letzten 3 Monaten, wo wir sie nicht mehr gesehen haben, bergab gegangen. Unser Plan ist ja, sie nach Cape Town zu bringen (zweite Januarwoche). Ich hoffe, dass es klappt, denn es würde ihnen gut tun.
Die Zahlenspielerei habe ich von dir! Auf eine Schnapszahl hinzulaufen ist recht motivierend. Du hast noch 2 Tage – schau mal, was sich machen lässt!
Harmonisch – anders habe ich das von euch auch gar nicht erwartet! Super! Kein Kampf um die Kekse… Kai muss die immer verstecken, sonst esse ich die weg und er hat das Nachsehen. 🙂
Am Samstag treffen wir MapMan Reto. Endlich wieder mal ein Läufchen und Schwätzchen zusammen. Und mit etwas Glück scheint noch die Sonne!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem verhangenen Zürich! (10°)
Lieber armer Kai,
soll ich dir mal eine Tüte Kekse backen, die du dann ganz alleine essen darfst? 😛
Aus dem warmen Darmstadt, wo man den Eindruck hat, dass es Frühling wird, mit 15°
Liebe Grüße Manfred
Haha! Ich habe deine Message eben dem Kai vorgelesen und er sagt “ja, gerne”. 🙂
Er lebt mit einem Krümelmonster zusammen!
Hier ist es auch erstaunlich warm, so um die 14°. Aber immer noch nicht sonnig!
… da fehlen sogar die Lieben der älteren Generation nicht …
wollte ich schreiben! 🙈
Liebe Grüße Manfred
Hätte ich gar nicht gemerkt! 😉
Wow, you really did a lot this year, and I love how varied your experiences were. Good luck hitting your quirky mileage goal! If it were me I’m sure I would screw it up and end up with 3.457, and I would be mad.
We love charcuterie boards too, except that my daughter thinks it’s really gross for everyone to be sharing food from the same board, so I always have to make her a separate plate on the side. Sigh!
Haha, that’s what I’m scared of, too, Jenny! I’m now at 3’437k, so I have to be careful to stick to the missing 19k.
Daughters can be difficult sometimes. I went through a similar phase once, I refused to eat Fondue, which is like the national dish of Switzerland.
It’s melted cheese in a pot and everyone sticks their own fork with a piece of bread into the same pot. Your daughter would freak out! With Corona, there was a heated debate whether Fondue should still be served in restaurants or not. The conclusion was that the heat kills the virus and that it’s ok. The Swiss love their melted cheese!
Your mention of Rigi Hochflue reminded me of your post back in October so I had to go look again to see the great views from the top. Amazing!
Thanks for mentioning Richard’s blog. I’m now reading it and looks like I’ll try follow it too.
As for quirky running numbers, I’m currently sitting on 2634km for the year. I am really into computer programming (my job / another passion) and as an extension, the hardware too. Computer memory hardware speeds count up in numbers such as 1333, 2666, 3000, 3200, etc… So with that in mind I’m aiming for 2666. That means I need to do 32km over today/tomorrow to make that number 😂 Hopefully I can find the time around family commitments and house organising to fit that in.
Looking forward to future posts as always!
That area of Switzerland has fantastic views – I love the combo of lakes and mountains.
Richard’s blog is fascinating (and hilarious, too). It’s amazing how many challenges he has out there at sea. He’s on his way back to Wavis Bay, but it’s difficult with the strong winds.
Haha, I love that, Sean! I’m sure you will manage to squeeze in those 32k! If you’re pressed for time, you might want to take to a flat road so that it won’t take as much time. Not as fun as the trails, though.
Good luck with nailing the number and all the best with your running in Wales in 2022!
Dear Catrina,
wow – already time again for a year in review. I haven’t even thought about it, yet. But your highlights are wonderful. I most like the mapman run, I like exploring new areas and getting lost with friends.
Year numbers in km – I don’t really care, not even sure where I am currently, but it’s a good amount for me.
Have a Happy New Year with more highlights in 2022!
Dear Roni
Hasn’t this year just flown by? You would have an interesting year to review as well – with all those ultras and your visit to Germany in the summer. 🙂
We’ll be going for a run with MapMan on Saturday – I’m looking forward to it, he always has the most interesting routes.
You must be well over 3’500k, Roni. Those ultras add up!
Same to you – a great new year and looking forward to reading about all your adventures in 2022!
I love this glimpse into a wonderful year.
I don’t care about the actual number, as long as I secure what I was aiming for.
I love charcuterie boards, but nobody better touch my french fries lol.
I just read your review, Jenn. You had a fabulous year too with many races and an impressive mileage. Well done!
Oooh, french fries! That is always an epic battle in our household.
I loved taking a trip down memory lane and reading about your 6 favorites of the year 🙂 Thanks for linking up with us every Tuesday – I always love reading your blog posts!
Thank you, Kim! And thank you for hosting this link-up. It’s great fun!
I’ve loved following your adventures this year–I have so much envy for the beautiful places you run and hike. You are such an inspiration with your tenacity and your speed! Looking forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for you and Kai. Happy New Year!
Thank you, Wendy! One of my dreams is to one day hike the IAT in Wisconsin. To me, it looks like a wonderful combination: it has the lakes and mountains of Switzerland and the vastness of South Africa.
It was exciting to follow your recovery and progress from your injury this year. Such an amazing fighter!
You had a great year, and ran, rode, and hiked in some amazing places!
I don’t mind sharing food off a board or sharing fries, but I don’t want someone taking anything else off my plate. 😉
It was a great year, Coco. Since my Achilles story, I am even more grateful. I’m glad you got over yours, too!
Haha, exactly, there are limits to sharing, right?!
It sounds like you had a wonderful year, I’ve really enjoyed following your adventures on the blog! I love a good charcuterie board too, and my husband and I are the same way – he likes all the pickled stuff and I need all the cheese! Happy New Year!
Cheese! Me too, Janelle! I love all the cheese and leave the more meaty and spicy stuff to my husband. 🙂
It was a wonderful year and I’m looking forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for all of us. Happy New Year to you too, Janelle!
I love all these memories, especially because this post was a great refresher of some of your adventures 😉 You definitely get to see and explore a lot of fascinating places. Best wishes for a fabulous 2022, Catrina!!!
Same to you, Kim! I love following your workouts and getting some fitness inspiration from your posts. I wish you all the best for 2022 – enjoy Florida for me!
Ein schöner Rückblick und würdige Favoriten, das Jahr war offensichtlich gut zu dir. Beachtliche Jahreskilometer, ich war die ganze Zeit schon neugierig wieviel da bei euren vielen Trainingsläufen so zusammengekommen ist.
Ich hab es immerhin auf eine “quirky number” der weniger als im Vorjahr gelaufenen Kilometer gebracht 😉 Ansonsten ist mir das als Jahressumme egal, aber oft genug hänge ich noch was bei den Alltagsläufen dran um lieber mit zb 18,00 als mit 17,64km zu stoppen.
Ich beobachte übrigens auch Richard Kohler und war richtig entsetzt über die notwendigen Planänderungen. Hammerhart jedenfalls was er da macht, vor allem mental.
Ich wünsche dir/euch ein tolles und erfolgreiches Laufjahr, liebe Grüße aus dem frühlingshaften Rheinland, Oliver
Ich war ganz überrascht, dass trotz Pandemie-Widrigkeiten so viele schöne Wettkämpfe stattgefunden haben. Einzig der Parkrun in der Nähe von uns in Cape Town ist noch nicht in Betrieb! Ich hoffe, dass dann im Januar was geht.
Weniger als im Vorjahr ist ja gar nicht schlimm – vor allem, wenn man in deinem Tempo unterwegs ist! 🙂 Was sagt eigentlich dein Runalyze?
Völlig einverstanden mit der Zwangsneurose: gestern endete mein Lauf bei 19.88km. Natürlich dreht man für 120 Meter noch ein paar Kreise 🙂
Morgen sollte Richard Kohler in Walvis Bay, Namibia, ankommen. Allein schon die 15 Tage waren krass – wie soll ein Mensch das 70 Tage aushalten?
Dir ebenfalls ein super-schönes und verletzungsfreies Laufjahr, lieber Oliver!
Oh … da sagts du was, hab das Runalyze Poster noch in meinen letzten Blogpost nachgeladen, danke 🙂
Ha, jetzt sehe ich die schöne Grafik! Danke!
Oh I remember these moments from the blog. Great memories. Perhaps one day you can write your memoir using these stories?🤔
Oh sure.✋ Sharing food w those who have food manners is not a problem. Double dipping is a big no no. Who wants somebody’s saliva is the sauce? Sounds gross but that is what happens. My wife is ok! 🤣🤣🤣
Richard is in Namibia sorting out the solar panel. Yeah he needs that to be safe & know where he is heading.
Again all the best for 2022. Looking forward to more adventures of Kai & Catrina🌞
Haha, Yves! The blog has been quite useful sometimes when I wonder what I did in a particular month. A bit like a diary with photos. 😉
Oh, no double-dipping is horrible. Do you know the Swiss national dish fondue? It’s also not truly pandemic-conform… with everyone eating out of the same pot with their forks… 😉
YES! I’m glad Richard made it safely to the shore again. Goodness, so many challenges! I never knew there were so many dangers out there.
All the best to you, too, Yves! You’re going to have an exciting time with your training and upcoming race!
Fondues are definitely gross. Are people still having those in Covid19 days? 🤮🤢
😱This blog must take up a lot of time. Getting all the pics, writing it, getting WordPress to work, answering everyone like you do. Wow.🏃♀️💨 Strava is my record. But this is monumental. Congrats on having the energy to do this weekly. I am certain people enjoy reading about your running.🌞✋
Haha, yes, Yves, this hobby does take a lot of time! I always wanted to have a blog, so I waited until we quit our regular jobs and became self-employed. That way, I’d be more flexible with my time.
I only post once a week, which is very doable. I love the interaction in the comments. Actually, that’s the best part!
Yes! Restaurants are serving it and it’s in high demand, especially in winter. Quite astonishing!
That’s such a massive distance of running only, Catrina. That’s almost 10 kilometers a day. Well done. Your post brought back fun memories of some great reads.
Such incredible destinations as part of your runs, hikes and bike rides. Switzerland and South Africa are both very beautiful. All the best in 2022! 🤗
Oh, I never thought of it like that, Carl. Now that would have been a quirky number!
Well, my distance is nothing compared to yours, you did nearly double my mileage. Unbelievable!
All the best to you too, Carl. I’m looking forward to reading many more of your posts in 2022!
You had such a fun year of adventures! I love a good charcuterie board. My yearly mileage was lower than I would have liked due to several weeks of minimal running as we moved, but I’m hoping to hit 1800-2000 miles in 2022!
Moving can really get in the way of the running routine, Laura. Your mileage plans for 2022 sound great – I have the feeling that there’s some marathon training in those miles. Looking forward to reading about it!
What an amazing and fun year you had – with awesome races, people and views! So fun to look back on these memories!
Thanks, San! 2021 was a fabulous year. I’m very grateful that we got to do races and that the pandemic didn’t throw a wrench into our plans.