View from the chalet
I had a blogger meet-up!
I finally met three(!) German running bloggers in person. By chance, Elke and Helge happened to be in Switzerland at the same time. Manfred decided to hop on a train and visit Switzerland as well. We, in turn, had just finished our quarantine after returning from South Africa.
And that’s how we ended up meeting each other in Kiental, a remote and pristine valley not far from Interlaken.
On our way to the meet-up, I briefed Kai about what kind of people we were about to meet. I was curious to see how accurate my description was going to be. Happily, this joyful bunch of runners turned out to be exactly the kind of people I had imagined. It felt like meeting old friends.
We started off on our hike, excitedly babbling like a bunch of schoolkids catching up after a weekend.
Kai, myself, Manfred, Chris (Elke’s husband), Helge, Andi (Helge’s husband), Elke
We couldn’t hike for long because there was too much snow and it was getting very cold and rainy. But it didn’t even matter. We returned to the chalet, fired up the oven with wood and enjoyed some bread, cheese and cold cuts together. It was warm and cosy – the perfect setting for friends to relax and have a good chat.
We all agreed: we will need to repeat this when the weather is nicer. Stay tuned!
Marching through the snow Workers fixing the bridge for us Chris battling with curious cows
Next day, Saturday, the “heaps of peeps” motto continued: I had another meet-up, this time with my favourite running buddy Reto and his hard-core long-run crew. They planned to run a marathon around Zurich. I agreed to join them for 25k.
At the starting point in Zurich At kilometre 20
Once again, our conversation bubbled forth like the flowing rivers we passed by. I’m starting to wonder: is it the running that makes people talk or are runners generally very talkative?
Zurich at kilometre 25
Next day, Sunday, we met up with an outdoorsy couple. Jacqueline teaches fitness classes at a studio and she led us through her new exercise program in the forest. And again, in between the workouts, there was a lot of chattering going on.
Balancing act
Finally, yesterday Whitmonday, we met up with my family. My parents enjoy their walks a lot more when their children come along. We hadn’t seen each other for a few months, so there was a lot to catch up on!
- Have you ever met up with other bloggers?
- Do your family and friends like being outdoors or are they mostly indoor types?
I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs and Laura Norris Running.
Liebe Catrina,
auf Deine Eindrücke von Bloggertreffen war ich schon sehr gespannt. Ich kenne es auch nicht anders, als dass man gleich sehr vertraut miteinander umgeht, als wenn man sich schon länger kennen würde. Damit ist auch gleich Deine erste Frage beantwortet: Ja, ich hatte schon einige Bloggertreffen und es war jedes Mal ein tolles Erlebnis.
Aber Du hast ja insgesamt die Ruhe der Quarantäne mehr als ausgeglichen. Schön, so viele gut gelaunte Gesichter zu sehen 🙂
Leider bin ich weder im Familien- noch im Freundeskreis mit sehr outdoorfreudigen Menschen umgeben, was ich sehr schade finde.
Liebe Grüße aus dem total verregneten Oldenburg
Du hast noch gefehlt, lieber Volker!
Aber das kriegen wir auch noch hin. Manfred hat ja jetzt schon etwas Übung mit der Reiserei und der Übernachtung, da kann er dich mitnehmen.
Ich glaube, ich war auf Mensch-Entzug und hatte dann einen grossen Nachholbedarf. Da kam so ein Bloggertreff gerade richtig!
Ein bisschen hast du ja Jens angesteckt – immerhin ist er jetzt oft mit seinen Stöcken unterwegs. Und dann ist da ja noch Torben, der auch immer mehr zum Läufer mutiert… ich glaube, du steckst deine Umgebung mit dem Outdoor-Virus an!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem jetzt nicht mehr so regnerischen Zürich!
Liebe Catrina, BELOHNUNG kann ich da nur sagen , Belohnung für eure Quarantäne-Auszeit, Bloggertreffen, Familie, Läufer, was will Frau mehr ? Der Schnee im Mai hat euch einen kleinen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht, aber es gibt zum Glück Alternativen, wie man lesen kann !
Dann die Woche darauf einen 25-er, das Familien-Strahler-Treffen, die Welt ist in Ordnung, freut mich für dich/für euch !
Bloggertreffen kenne ich natürlich auch – und hier vor Ort haben sich schon sehr liebe Bloggerfreunde mit mir getroffen, nicht nur die Ostsee ist ein Magnet ! 😉
Unsere gesamte Familie läuft, sogar die Kleinen, alle Kinder und mein Mann sind mindestens Marathon gelaufen, ich bin die Einzige mit dem – um Kai zu zitieren – ” Ultrageist “, Ich bin sehr glücklich darüber, dass sich das Virus übertragen hat.
Lass es dir weiterhin gut gehen – liebe Grüße von der Ostsee 😎
Liebe Margitta
Genau, du hast Recht: all die vielen Leute zu treffen war wirklich wie eine Belohnung nach der einsamen Quarantäne.
Bloggertreffen sind schon eine gute Sache, nicht wahr? Wenn man als Blogger an die Ostsee fährt, gibt es natürlich zwei Attraktionen: die Ostsee und ein Ultrageist, mit dem man mitlaufen kann! Ich hoffe ja, dass wir es eines Tages auch noch bis zu dir schaffen. Oder vielleicht planst du mal eine Reise in den gebirgigen Süden?
Dass du eine laufende Familie hast, überrascht mich überhaupt nicht! Deine Kinder haben vermutlich schon als dreijährige kleine Laufwettbewerbe veranstaltet. In meiner Familie bin ich eher die Aussenseiterin – aber zum Glück ist Kai ein Läufer geworden (er hatte wohl keine Wahl). 😉
Danke – lasse es dir auch gutgehen an deiner Ostsee!
Liebe Catrina,
na, da war ja wirklich viel los bei dir. 😉
Deinen Entzug hast du ordentlich „ausgeglichen“. … und hoffentlich waren deine Eindrücke von den anderen Bloggern nur positiv! 🙂
Solche Erlebnisse in den Bergen, vor allem, wenn sie so und zu kurz waren, sind ‘absolute must haves’! – Zu kurz war es ja auch, weil wir noch viel zu wenig haben austauschen können. Wie bei Schulkindern, bei denen ja auch nie die Pausen ausreichen und sie in den Stunden weiterquatschen müssen … und am nächsten Tag immer noch und wieder was zu schwätzen haben!
Ich hatte auch schon ein paar Bloggertreffen. Es war immer schön Gleichgesinnte zu treffen!
Drinnen oder draußen? Echte ‘Outdoor-Freaks’ gibt es bei uns nicht, aber durchaus Leute, die ganz gerne draußen sind. Die sind evtl. in der Familie meiner Frau etwas häufiger vertreten. – Unsere Tochter, ihr Mann und ich haben auch längere Pfadfinder-“Vergangenheit”.
Aus dem trüben und kühlen Darmstadt
LG Manfred
Lieber Manfred
Der Bloggertreff war das absolute Highlight letzte Woche – darauf hatte ich mich richtig gefreut während der Quarantäne.
Genau! Viele Leute und wenig Zeit – da muss man sich richtig mit Quasseln beeilen. Und die Double-Unders wollte ich auch noch mit dir üben! Aber deswegen haben wir ja eine gute Ausrede, diesen Event zu wiederholen (dann aber mit schönerem Wetter). Du weisst ja jetzt, wie es geht mit der Bahn und Übernachtung im Philahaus. 😉
Dass du und deine Familie gerne draussen sind, habe ich mir schon gedacht. Du bist ja immer draussen und deine Frau läuft zum Glück auch. Und dein Schwiegersohn hat ja den Mega-Marsch gemacht. Das zählt für mich als Outdoor-Familie!
Ich hoffe, dass du dich immer noch gut in Geduld üben kannst und dass es langsam, langsam wieder aufwärts geht.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem halb-sonnigen Zürich!
Blogger meet-ups are the BEST!!!! I agree, it feels more like reuniting with long lost friends than meeting for the first time. Now with social media (one good thing LOL) is it’s much easier to coordinate a meet-up, and it’s easy to spot the people because you’ve probably seen numerous pics of them already 😉 …Now, we just need to get you back to the States so WE can have a chai latte together (and/or a good long run) 😉
Totally! It was so much fun meeting people that you already know from their blogs. It’s amazing how accurately a blog reflects a person’s personality.
I would absolutely love to visit Iowa! And run a windy 10-miler with you, followed by a delicious chai latte. We would have so much to talk about!!!
Ha ha ha…it’s a given it would be windy!
Oh what fun! So happy you had so many fun meetups, and yes, I have met up with other bloggers quite a few time.
I am not a talkative person (well, depends on what I’m talking about); I am very shy when I first meet people. But running makes me talkative. So that’s my answer on that question!
It’s so cool meeting up with other bloggers! I envy you US bloggers for that – it’s so easy for you to meet up at big races.
Ah, there’s the solution, Judy! So it’s running that makes people talk! If we’d go running together, we would both babble non-stop.
Liebe Catrina,
hey, ich hatte ja gar nicht mitbekommen, welch sportives Wochenende ihr noch vorhattet! Super! Ach und das Wetter in Zürich ist ja beneidenswert gewesen. Dazu Übungen mit personal trainer und noch ein schöner Familientag. Erinnert ihr euch überhaupt noch aneure Quarantäne…?
Schön wars im Kiental mit allen! Wahrscheinlich haben wir mit unserem Geschnatter die Murmeli aufgescheucht, die wir gesehen hatten!
Aber bei den Bloggertreffen, die ich bisher so hatte, war es immer so munter und auch menschlich angenehm.
In meinem familiären und Freundes-Umfeld überwiegen eher die Indoor-Typen, von Ausnahmen abgesehen. Da ist es dann umso schöner, über Blogs Gleichgesinnte zu treffen!
Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten und stürmischen Rheinland (da hilft nur guter Tee…)
Liebe Elke
Das hat sich zufällig ergeben… nach der Quarantäne waren wir heilfroh, endlich wieder unter die Leute zu gehen. Wir mussten ja auch testen, ob wir noch “social skills” haben. 😉
War das nicht obergemein mit dem Wetter? Am nächsten Tag wollte die Sonne gar nicht mehr aufhören zu scheinen. Aber zum Glück waren wir am Freitag im Chalet gut aufgehoben. Das Kiental müssen wir unbedingt noch einmal bei schönem Wetter besuchen, das muss ein tolles Panorama sein. Ich hoffe, ihr seid noch gut nach Hause gekommen!
Genau so ist es bei uns auch – die meisten in der Familie sind gerne in der warmen Stube. Zum Glück haben wir da die Bloggerfamilie. Und zum Glück rennt Chris ja auch, so hast du wenigstens einen outdoorsy Partner.
Dein Tee liegt bei mir im Küchenschrank – ich warte auf eine besondere Gelegenheit ihn zu trinken. Stürmisches Wetter wäre gerade richtig!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem halb-sonnigen Zürich!
Yes. I have been lucky. I did a blogger race in Florida and Las Vegas.
I have also met bloggers in Bermuda and RI. In NYC. And even in Paris.
I hope to meet more. So fun.
I plan on Paris again in 2022 or 2023. Meet up??
Wow, so many meet-ups! You are lucky, Darlene!
I remember the Bermuda one. So cool!
Ah, yes!!! Paris! Now that is something worth thinking about!
Let me know as soon as your plans are becoming concrete. So exciting!
I will. I loved the 20m de Paris in early Oct so maybe that one again.
I’ll keep you posted. Maybe Renee can hop over too.
Karen who used to blog lives in Paris.
I just googled it, looks interesting. I’ve never done a race in Paris!
And if we could get a bunch to do it – why not?!
Not sure many would fly to Paris. But it’s my favorite city.
This looks like a lovely weekend of outdoor meetups! I do like how ‘socially acceptable’ it has become to meet everyone outdoors, all the time. It’s good for our health and also our wallets, as walks have become the social activity of choice.
I have met up with two bloggers: you and one friend I’ve stayed in touch with ever since. I think bloggers are naturally communicative, so it’s probably easier to stay connected than with the average person. Seeing these pictures, I really can’t wait to visit Switzerland again this summer.
Exactly, Kat! This is my favourite way of meeting people – I hope that this is one side-effect of the pandemic that will stay around for a while.
I was thinking about you when we were in Kiental and wondered if you know the valley. The panorama must be fantastic when the skies are clear. The drive up there from Reichenbach is adventurous – such a narrow road full of tight curves. I marvel that the Postauto can even make it up there.
I’m looking forward to seeing you here soon!
Yes, I do know the Kiental! I was there with my family when I was little and really enjoyed it.
Will you be in Switzerland in August? I will have three weeks off work, so it would be lovely to catch up and maybe go for some active adventures.
Ah, I thought so. With outdoorsy parents, you must have been to Kiental.
Yes! We will be in Engadin 17 – 22 August, but apart from that, we’re available. I will send you some dates later this week so that we can plan!
Awesome! I look forward to it.
Looks like you had a great week of meeting up with new and old friends and family. Love all the pictures. I haven’t met up with any fellow bloggers, but did meet up with a fellow running that I communicate with on a MyFitnessPal forum. She lives about 2 hours away and we met up at the last race I ran in December. It really is like meeting an old friend and catching up.
My family are defiantly the outdoorsy type. Staying inside is not in our genes.
I think after our quarantine, we had a “people deficiency”!
Social media can be such a great tool if we use it wisely: connecting with like-minded people and meeting up with them is a great bonus. So nice that you could meet that fellow runner at a race! It does feel like meeting a friend.
Ha, I thought so! So good to hear, Vicky. Most of my family are more the indoor type. But I’m happy that Kai likes to be outdoors.
I hope you are keeping well! I miss your daily updates – have you changed your post frequency to weekly?
Thanks Catrina. I have not changed my post frequency. I am having issues with WordPress. It will not load the editor page. I have the free version and it looks like you have to have a pay version to get any help. I’ve been really busy, so haven’t had time to do a lot of fixes suggested by people on Google. I may have to set up a whole new site and transfer everything over. I hope not. The rest of my week is busy, so not sure when I’m going to have time to fool with it.
I thought it might be my slow internet connection and it was timing out, but I took it to a hot spot and it still doesn’t load.
I have another blog about my dog, which I don’t post on very often. It is working fine. I think it is a random thing that happens and it just happened to get mine. At least I can get onto the blog and read the one’s I follow and comment. Hopefully I can figure it out over the weekend.
I have been running and walking still. Feeling better. My last run was miserable, but I think I had an episode of exercise induced asthma, as at about half way through I suddenly had a really hard time breathing. I need to remember to use my inhaler on hot, humid days.
Oh, dear, Vicky. This kind of thing has happened to me, too. So annoying!
I just checked what I can see on your blog. Unfortunately, only the post from 19 May.
I use WordPress but I host with Bluehost (which I pay for).
However, I still had issues that Bluehost couldn’t fix. I ended up having to sign up for a paid service with Jetpack, which is an important plugin used on all WordPress sites. As soon as I had signed up, I could contact support and they could fix the issue. I found it very frustrating, as I felt they were forcing me to pay to get the issue fixed. I hope you find a way to fix it this weekend without having to pay – with a bit of patience, determination and research it should be possible. If anyone is able to do it, you are!
Glad to hear you are still running and walking! That’s the most important. Sorry about the asthma incident – running in the heat must be hard with that condition.
Thank you so much. I hope I can fix it without having to pay. It’s annoying that they have these issues and don’t have a way for the “free” people to contact them so they can fix it. Seems like they would want it to run smoothly for everyone. Bad press isn’t good for them.
Looking forward to seeing your site back up again!
Thanks. I hate not even being able to put out there that I’m not posting because the site isn’t working. Oh well, I’ll have a lot to tell once I figure it out. LOL
How fun! Blogger meetups are my favorite. It’s always a treat to meet bloggers in person. I attended a blogger meet up in Chicago a few years ago and it was the most fun I’ve had during a race weekend!
I remember seeing photos of that Chicago meet-up! Having a race AND meeting blogger friends sounds like the best day ever.
I hope that you get to do that soon again, Kim!
Oh, I love that you were able to meet up with some bloggers. What a greatime!!
It was the best, San! You would have enjoyed meeting them, too!
Isn’t it just so amazing to finally meet up in person with people you have been connecting with for so long!? I met up w some of the Chicago runners a few years back and then also had a Kim and Linda come stay w me for a race 2 years ago. Maybe you and I will have the chance to meet up! I do love Switzerland!
Exactly! You know so much about the people already – their training habits, what they like to eat, where they go on vacation – and then, when you finally meet up, it’s like an old friend. That Chicago meet-up must have been awesome.
YES, Deborah! Please come to Switzerland!!!
I’m fairly quiet but once I start running all of a sudden I’m Chatty Cathy. I’m certain that running makes people talk. And if those people are bloggers who can’t stop talking about running as it is…that’s a great conversation!
Haha, I love that, “Chatty Cathy”!
I’m sure you are right, Birchie. Judy says that running makes her chatty, too. Running while talking about running is a win-win, right?!
How fun to meet up with other bloggers! I’ve met a few at races before but its been awhile. Sounds like a good time!
It was more of a coincidence because we suddenly realized that we’re all close to each other in the same week.
I hope you get to meet up with a few soon again, Lisa. Such fun!
Hi Catrina,
it all worked out – the whole blogger meetup. I’m so happy that you all had such a great day and that Helge and Manfred managed all the travel rules etc. and could join. It looks like so much fun and such a nice place. Certainly would have loved to be there.
I know most of my friends from outdoor sports – so yes they are all outdoorsy. My family likes to take walks outside.
Enjoy your time without quarantine!
Oh, Roni, you would have loved this! Although the hike would have been too short for your liking, you would have enjoyed the company.
The travel rules just eased up at the right time, so it was perfect.
That’s a good point: if we get to know our friends by doing our favourite activity, then obviously you would have outdoorsy friends! It’s nice that your family enjoys walking. I have to convince my parents to get out, but once they’re out, they enjoy it. 🙂
Liebe Catrina,
oh wie schön! Ich habe mich so auf eure Berichte vom schweizer Bloggertreffen gefreut! 😀 Das habe ich auch schon wiederholt erlebt, dass man sich unter Bloggern trifft und sofort einen guten Draht zueinander hat! Einfach schön!
Nach eurer Quarantäne holt ihr ja gleich alles nach, was geht – hihi. Wandern, laufen, Waldfitness (die Übung sieht ja super aus!) und Familienspaziergänge. So toll! Ich wünsche dir weiterhin eine tolle Zeit im Nachbarland. Für mich geht sich jetzt nächste Woche zumindest ein verlängertes Wochenende in Bregenz aus und ich freu mich schon wie verrückt, nach über 10 Monaten wieder ins Ländle zu kommen! 😀
Und du, liebe Doris, hast noch in der Runde gefehlt! 🙂
Es war wirklich eine super-nette Truppe und ich glaube, uns würde in eine Million Jahren der Gesprächstoff nicht ausgehen. 🙂
Wir haben uns nach der Quarantäne gleich ins Menschenmengen-Bad gestürzt, ich glaube, wir brauchten das. Du bist nächste Woche in Bregenz? Wie schön!! Endlich wieder mal ein bisschen reisen!
Falls du einen Abstecher nach Zürich machst, lasse es mich wissen! Wir sind sehr flexibel und es würde mich freuen, dich zu treffen.
Ich werde nächste Woche mal checken, wie es mit der Einreise aus Österreich in die Schweiz aussieht. Mit dem Zug wäre ich ja sehr schnell bei euch.
Falls ich das ins Auge fasse, melde ich mich ganz sicher bei euch! 😀
Oh ja! Das wäre super, Doris!
Ab nächste Woche sollte vieles wieder aufgehen – ich hoffe, dass die Einreise auch einfacher sein wird. Melde dich! 🙂
Liebe Catrina,
ich musste schmunzeln als ich gelesen habe, das du Kai vorab gebrieft hast, was ihn wohl erwartet 😆
Ich mache das auch immer so mit Andi und kann bestätigen was du sagst: es fühlt sich einfach so an, als würde man sich lange kennen und es gibt kein fremdeln oder sowas. Egal mit wem man zusammen stand oder lief, es wurde einfach erzählt, gefragt, gequatscht, als würde man das andauernd mit dem anderen tun 🙂
Es war einfach ein toller Tag. Das mit dem Wetter üben wir noch, aber ansonsten gab es nix zu meckern!
Ich jedenfalls habe mich sehr gefreut euch endlich persönlich kennenzulernen.
Euer Pfingstwochenende war ja wirklich sehr abwechslungsreich. Aber ich denke nach der Quarantäne seid ihr auch wirklich froh gewesen wieder raus zu können und Leute zu treffen.
Unsere Kinder sind auch sehr Outdoor freundlich und lieben es zu wandern, zu radeln und draußen zu sein. Der andere teil der Familie(Eltern, Geschwister) eher nicht so.
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Helge
Natürlich habe ich auch Kai erzählt, dass er dich daran erkennen kann, dass du zu 99% ein orangefarbenes Kleidungsstück anhaben wirst. Da war ich erleichtert, dass auch diese Prognose zutraf!
Es hat richtig Spass gemacht, alle mal persönlich zu treffen. Wenn auch das Wetter an dem Tag schlecht war, ich war froh, dass eure Woche ansonsten etwas sonniger war. Wenigstens das!
Wir haben unser Menschen-Defizit über Pfingsten wieder aufgeholt – jetzt ist wieder Ruhe angesagt bis zum Wochenende. Am Samstag blüht mir ein 30km Lauf im Zürcher Oberland…
Dass deine Mädels das Outdoor-Gen haben versteht sich bei den Eltern von selbst! Super!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem – rate mal – ja richtig, verregneten Zürich!
You’re really making the most of your post-quarantine!!! It looks like so much fun, and your pictures are beautiful.
I haven’t met up with other bloggers (yet) but am starting to get out more and see just regular friends that I haven’t seen in a year. It feels soooo good.
Exactly, Jenny! It’s so nice to meet friends again and to do things together, isn’t it?
Ah, I can see a future blogger meet-up happening. Florida is such a great place with some nice, flat races… I’m sure quite a few bloggers would love to join you for one!
I am not much of a talker (introvert here). 🙂 But this looks like lots of fun!
You would have loved this meet-up for sure, Zenaida!
Meeting you of course I would have loved it!!!
Isn’t it wonderful to be able to get out there and hike/run/walk with other people again? I have been enjoying our club fun runs for the last few weeks since Bill and I are both fully vaccinated.
Before this year, I had met 2 running bloggers in person – 1 by chance at the finish line of Marine Corps Marathon (tens of thousands of runners and we finished at the same time), and 1 at a small 3-hour race we had planned ahead of time. This year., I met up with a blogger and her friends for a long run. I am planning to write about it next week for the Coffee Date.
So nice to be out with people again, Laurie! I hope that soon we will be able to get to do live races again. Here in Europe, we’re still lagging behind the US, but we’re getting there.
What are the chances of meeting another blogger at a big race?! Very cool!
I’m looking forward to reading about your long run buddy. I’m curious to find out whether I already know her. 🙂
Oh, I love this! How nice for you!
I have a set of friends who are very indoorsy and a set who are very outdoorsy. To me, these meetups look like heaven.
Blogger meet-ups are the best!
I have both sets among my family and friends as well. I always try to motivate the more sedentary ones to get outdoors – sometimes it works!
Oh, how fun! I’ve been lucky to meet a lot of bloggers and it is like catching up with old friends. Often we know more about each other than other friends do. It sounds like you are catching up on some socializing that didn’t happen last year. 😉
It was fun, Coco! You are lucky that you have already met so many bloggers. And you live near Deborah and can go on bike rides together, which I would love.
It’s true what you say about knowing each other better than friends sometimes do. Reading a blog post could perhaps be compared to listening to someone without interrupting them. Maybe it helps us to understand each other better? Whatever it is, it works!
We’ve had quite a few blogger meetups and it’s so great! Everyone–well almost–is just like they seem on their blogs. Ok, can I just say that I am enthralled with your scenery? Wow. It is so beautiful there!
I remember seeing photos from your blogger meet-ups and I always wished I was there!
Oh, you would have loved the mountains, Wendy. I was a bit bummed that we couldn’t take better photos with the overcast weather. But there will be a next time!
This is really cool, Catrina. I have sometimes imagine what it is like meeting blogger friends in real. I find even more so than social media, bloggers are honest about themselves. So in real life when you meet them it is like you know them, because of that blogging relationship. Kiental Valley looks gorgeous. What an amazing place to meet up.
I have only met one blogger, who also happens to be a runner. He invited me to join him in a trail marathon in 2018. I took the train down to his hometown of Rochester, New York. Daniel picked me up at the train station and gave me a big tour of his town before he brought me to his home and introduced me to his family. We ran this race, but I also spent 2 nights in his own home with his family. Which is really amazing, because we never had met. Daniel said I was just as I portrayed myself in my blog! 😀
Yes about the honesty in blogs! I was just thinking that reading a blog post is like listening to a friend without interrupting them. You get to know their thoughts and allow them to express themselves, which probably helps to build a good relationship, albeit virtual.
I wonder whether the Swiss countryside looks a bit similar to your area? Perhaps your mountains are not as high, but you have a lot of hills, forests and lakes.
Your blogger meet-up sounds lovely, Carl! So nice of Daniel to have you for 2 nights although you had never met before! That is awesome. I have the feeling I know you very well, too. Your thoughtful and caring blog says it all!
That is very kind, Catrina. Thank you. I would imagine the countryside of Switzerland would be similar to here. The Rocky Mountains are about 4,000 kilometers away, I am guessing would be more like the Swiss Alps. 😀🌳⛰
Oh, I would love to see the Rocky Mountains one day. They must be stunning.
Have a great Sunday Carl! 🤗
Thank you! 😀
What a fun weekend and how great to meet other bloggers! I’ve enjoyed many blogger meetups and running trips over the years and it’s been wonderful. It really is such an amazing community!
I remember seeing you on a number of blogger meet-up photos, Marcia! Such happy and joyful events.
I hope you get to do some again soon.
You are right, the blogging community is so supportive and fun.
Sounds so fun! I always enjoy meeting other bloggers. It’s hard to make outdoorsy friends where I live, so meeting other runners automatically has that benefit.
Blogger meet-ups are so fun, Laura! Runners are the best outdoor friends.