Canton Berne, Switzerland
It’s day 9 of our 10-day quarantine in Zurich and I can’t wait to go running. Family and friends kindly keep me updated about the world outside by sending nice photos. Elke, a German blogger currently in Switzerland, sent me the above photo from Berne.
At least this time, we have proper weights at home. No more improvising with statues and water jugs like in January. And, of course, we have more time to read. And to get inspired.
First of all, I was inspired by an article about the benefits of microworkouts. I used to be quite diligent about these but somehow fell out of the habit. The article stressed the importance of cues (aka sticky notes) that remind the brain to do the workouts. It listed 25 examples that inspired me to create some of my own:
- Wake up, drink lemon juice + dynamic stretch routine.
- Switch the kettle on + squat pulses.
- Brush teeth + sumo squats with calf raises.
- Write a blog comment + 5 pushups
- Use the bathroom + 20 jump squats
- Send off a text message or an e-mail + 2 pull-ups
Lemon juice reminder Kettle reminder Toilet reminder Jump squats – I’m sure our neighbour below is thrilled Sophisticated computer reminder The dreaded pushups Toothbrush reminder
We don’t have a pull-up bar but I was inspired to try out this great alternative with knotted towels:
I got another inspiration a few weeks ago from German blogger Oliver. He started to run in Shamma sandals and loves them. This week I have finally ordered them and I hope they arrive soon:
In Cape Town, I got used to drinking kombucha tea. It’s widely available and comes in dozens of flavours. While it’s available in Zurich, it’s quite costly. Why pay for something and clutter the environment with plastic bottles if you can make it at home? Inspired, I asked a friend to get a starter culture at a local store (they’re free). I started to brew my own kombucha at home. Kai isn’t amused by the hideous blob sitting in our kitchen but hopefully, he will get used to it.
Current state Hoping for this
And finally, Judy inspired me to participate in her challenge for my first post-quarantine run: count all the animals! I can’t wait!
- Have you had any fitness/health inspirations lately? Started anything new?
I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs and Laura Norris Running.
Oh, I absolutely love Kombucha! I always get my mum to buy me some as a welcome home drink when I arrive in Switzerland.
Your micro workouts sound like a great idea, especially during quarantine when you can’t do outdoor exercise.
And kombucha is so easy to make! It just sits in the dark for 10 days and voilà, you’ve got a fermented drink.
The microworkouts add up over the course of a day – my favourite one is the morning stretch routine.
Liebe Catrina, du bist das beste Beispiel dafür, wie man seine Zeit sinnvoll zu Hause verbringen kann, und irgendwie vergeht sie dann doch – die Zeit, in der man in den eigenen vier Wänden sein muss. Bald hast du es geschafft, ich sehe dich im Geiste, wie du grinsend aus dem Haus rennst, um endlich wieder laufen z können, und – wie ich dich kenne – schwebt dir schon wieder ein neues Ziel vor Augen.
Fitness-Inspiration ? Seit ein paar Tagen bin ich wieder verstärkt auch mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs, ich liebe es, lange Touren in unserer Gegend zu fahren, wenn das Wetter es erlaubt, ganz im Gegensatz zum Laufen kann ich beim Radfahren auf den Regen gänzlich verzichten. Es folgen den ganzen Sommer/Herbst über längere Touren, ich freue mich darauf !
Die Idee mit den Handtüchern finde ich gut, hält das wirklich ? Muss ich auch mal probieren !
Viel Spaß beim Wiedereinstieg – bleibst du jetzt länger in der schönen Schweiz – oder ???????
Die Ostsee lässt dich schön grüßen 😎
Liebe Margitta
Bald, bald, bald…. ich kann es kaum erwarten. Zum Glück war das Wetter kühl und regnersich, da fällt es ein bisschen leichter.
Ein neues Ziel schwebt mir tatsächlich vor: ich würde gerne die 10km Distanz trainieren. Ich habe viel an Geschwindigkeit verloren während dem Ultra-Training, es ist wieder mal Zeit für etwas schnelleres. Nicht gerade deine Lieblingsdistanz! 🙂
Radfahren ist wunderschön! Da kannst du noch länger unterwegs sein. Geniesse es, ich hoffe, dass du viele regenfreie Tage hast!
Das mit den Handtüchern klappt super. Der Vorschlag waren Badetücher, aber die sind zu dick. Mit Küchentüchern geht das super.
Genau! Der Plan ist, bis im Oktober hier zu bleiben. Es gibt ja noch einiges zu erwandern und erlaufen!
Liebe Grüsse aus dem bedeckten und ja – regnerischen – Zürich!
Liebe Catrina,
das ist ja eine Super-Idee mit den “Merk”(!)-Zetteln! Genauso wie deine Strategie, schon in Sportoutfit am Schreibtisch zu sitzen, um mal eben eine kleine Einheit absolvieren zu können!
Wenigstens habt ihr gutes Quarantäne-Wetter, also solches, das einen sowieso nicht nach draußen lockt. Und Ihr habt ja auch schon die Zeit so gut wie herum!
Kombucha habe ich noch nie probiert. Wenn man das so einfach daheim machen kann, ist es doch optimal, statt Plastikflaschen zu nutzen! Funktioniert das gut? Ich mache mir gern meinen Joghurt selber, spart auch Abfall.
Liebe Grüße aus dem Berner Oberland!
Liebe Elke
Ha, genau, jetzt haben wir eine “Zetteli-Wirtschaft” in der Wohnung, aber es hält wenigstens fit auf engem Raum. 😉
Uns kommt dieses miese Wetter gerade recht, aber umso mehr tut es mir Leid für euch. Wirklich schade. Aber ihr seid zum Glück hart im Nehmen und geht ja trotzdem raus. Der Regen hat ja auch einen gewissen Reiz – alles riecht so frisch! Wie auf deinem Foto – danke nochmals dafür.
Kombucha schmeckt gut und ist erst noch gur für die Darmflora. Migros hat eine Variante dieses fermentierten Getränks: Dafür habe ich Joghurt noch nie selbst gemacht! Wäre auch noch eine Idee.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem – yep, immernoch – verregneten Zürich!
I’m impressed by all your inspiration! And really curious to see what you think about the running sandals. I know the Tamahrara (however it’s spelled) run in some like that, if not barefoot, but I think I would end up with a lot of sores.
My friend used to make Kombucha. I used to drink it, but yes, it’s really expensive and I already have a lot of stuff I make myself! My husband was on board with the sourdough because he loves bread, but I know he’d give the side eye to me making Kombucha.
Interested to know how that works for you too, Catrina!
I’m not sure I’m inspired right now — but running has been going much better, no doubt due to almost perfect running weather for a while — and that has definitely cheered me up.
I’m curious too, Judy! Everyone I know who has tried them managed to run in them without any sores or blisters, so I’m hopeful. It will be a delicate transition from the padded shoes. I read the book “Born to run” a while back and those Tarahumara (I had to check!) runners are something else!
Haha, Mr. Judy would definitely not like the Kombucha thingy sitting around. Very cool that your sourdough experiment went so well. It’s so tricky to get it right.
Thanks for the animal counting inspiration! I will not be able to spot 43 robins, that’s for sure. Depending on my route, I might be lucky with the ducks, though. 🙂
Perfect running weather is the best!
You have many lovely animals in your area & soon you can visit them again on foot!
True! Got to check out the cows!
I have a couple of blog posts about getting in mini workouts while at work (which also work for those who are at home as well). It’s interesting what is available for “equipment” without going to an actual gym. The tied towels is an awesome hack! I should try that! We have a doorway-mounted pull-up bar, but I’m hesitant to use it because I don’t want the paint getting scraped or the door frame getting damaged. I know, #excuses 😉
I remember, Kim!
I had in mind that you once mentioned that you do press-ups against the counter in the kitchen, right? And squats at the bathroom at work. 😉
That’s funny with the pull-up bar! Talk about excuses, we used to have one and I was always scared it wouldn’t carry my weight. Silly, because it carried the weight of several visitors who are taller and heavier than I am!
wow you are very creative! I would kill myself in those running sandals for sure. lol. I did not realize that you could not go outside to exercise during your quarantine. Yikes I might go crazy. Way to get it done with a smile on your face
I’m curious how running in those sandals is going to feel like.
Yes – if they catch you outside it will cost us a heavy fine, USD 5’000.-p.p. So we’ll have to be patient… but I am going crazy slowly, haha!
I’ll be smiling all through my first run!
Glad you hear that you survived the quarantine and you did so well! I’m inspired by YOU!!!!
I feel like a slacker. I don’t make a thing. K cups for coffee and packaged oatmeal.
Nope on the sandals. I would trip and my old feet need support.
Haha, Darlene, thanks!
This is my first attempt at making something myself. I say “making”, but actually it’s just pouring sugar and tea into a jug and waiting for 10 days. 😉 Easy-peasy!
Yes – the sandals have very little support. I will have to be careful that I don’t overdo it and get injured in the beginning.
I just did 5 pushups so that I could leave this comment! Happy almost-end-of-quarantine!
Oh, full marks, Birchie! Now it’s my turn! 🙂
Thank you! Nearly there…
I love the post-its idea – I think I’m going to try this! I always need reminders to keep moving during the work day, It’s super easy for me to just sit at my desk all day.
I love kombucha! I started drinking it more during last year. At one point I think I was drinking it too much (lol) but now I have my habit under control.
I have the same problem, Kim. I get so engaged in what I’m doing at a desk that I even try to postpone going to the bathroom! So I really need those visual reminders.
Kombucha is so addictive! Fortunately, it’s healthy too!
Hah 🤣🤣🤣 about all the post it notes.
I bet you want to get out. ✋ Here it is is 14 days for quarantine.
Pull up cloths? 🤔That is interesting. Oh we have no such doors. Good idea though.
Kombucha! Ah yes. Pearl has been making that for decades already. Kai is correct! That floating blob is pretty disgusting. 🤣 You sure you are not making it for the alcohol content? You get about 1% OH. I find it hard to drink. I get a headache from it. Pearl says it is detoxifying me. I feel like it is killing me more! 😬
Happy last day locked up.
Take care.
Haha, ridiculous, arent’ they? But I have to say they are amazingly effective.
I wish I had your treadmill! That would have been very handy during the quarantine. And we could have “visited” other countries, too!
Haha, I love the way you describe your kombucha experience, Yves! I haven’t heard about the alcohol content – I guess that depends on how long you let it ferment. Now that you mention it though, that might be worth a try! 😉 Pearl is right, keep drinking up, your gut will be grateful! 😉
Enjoy your runs this week!
Oh Catrina, now I feel bad to comment here because than you have to answer and do 5 push-ups! But now I know at least how you motivate yourself for excercise :). I’m starting to do some slower training units, so listening to podcast. Currently going through the science of ultra. As the recent episode explained to do 5-10 minutes core each day (plus some other strengths sometimes) – I got motivated to at least try for a little while.
Another quarantine – oh well you are nearly through it – enjoy your run!
When I read your first sentence I got off my chair and did the 5 push-ups in advance (no joking!). So you don’t have to feel bad, Roni! 🙂
Well, that podcast was motivating! It’s great that it makes you do some strength exercises. And remember, once you can get through one of Pamela Reif’s 10-minute ab sessions, you definitely have a super-strong core. 😉
Thank you, Roni! Wishing you some lovely slower training units!
Liebe Catrina,
wie denn, was denn? Schon wieder vorbei? Heute dürft ihr raus? (Schon ein wenig seltsam, wenn man sich überlegt, dass man erwachsene Menschin in “Hausarrest” schickt…. 🙄 )
Das Wetter hat euch diesesmal unterstützt und deine Zettelwirtschaft ist herrlich! Meine Chefin macht zB. jeden Morgen beim Zähneputzen Kniebeugen und ein Bekannter steht beim Kasse-anstehen im Supermarkt immer auf einem Bein und drückt sich auf die Zehenspitzen (und freut sich, wenn er in der langsameren Schlange ist, weil er dann mehr Zeit zum üben hat). 😀
Kombucha und Kefir hatte ich – zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten – auch schon mal zuhause und habe sicher Hektoliter davon getrunken. Allerdings wurde es mir dann irgendwann mal zuviel und ich habe die Pilze weitergegeben. Aber eigentlich könnte ich auch mal wieder….
Viel Spaß bei eurem ersten Lauf heute! 🙂
Liebe Doris
Ich habe mich bewusst nie darum gekümmert, wie die 10 Tage gezählt werden… somit ist einfach heute (für mich zumindest) der letzte Tag! 😉
Die Quarantäne müsste eigentlich in “keinen engen Kontakt mit anderen” umgestaltet werden. Wäre viel vernünftiger!
Oh wow, die Kasse-Anstehen-Übung deines Bekannten gefällt mir! Ein win-win: er ärgert sich nicht über die lange Schlange und wird erst noch fitter dabei.
Kefir und Jogurt habe ich beides noch nicht probiert, wäre aber mal einen Versuch wert. Aber da müsste ich langsam angehen, sonst bekommt Kai noch die Krise mit all den wuchernden Pilzen.
Danke dir, Doris! Jetzt nur noch eine regenfreie Lücke abwarten!
Typischer Fall von Quarantäne-Koller würde ich sagen, liebe Catrina! 😆 Aber wenn`s hilft 😛
Heute ist schon der letzte Tag in Hausarrest, krass wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Aber Ihr hattet da wahrscheinlich ein etwas anderes Empfinden. Bleiben die Zettel denn auch nach diesen 10 Tagen dran? 😉
Was Dir der Kombucha-Tee ist, ist Jens und mir Minirealwasser. Wenn wir den Blubberautomaten nicht hätten, hätten wir uns schon an Wasserkisten totgeschleppt 🙂
Inspiration für irgendwelche Workouts, die ich freiwilllg nicht gerne mache? Weißt Du wie gut ich Post its-Notizen ignorieren könnte? 😀
Liebe Grüße aus dem wettertechnisch sehr durchwachsenen Oldenburg
Absolut, lieber Volker! Kurz vor dem Durchdrehen noch ein paar Liegestützen, das hilft immer!
Ich war so frei und habe den heutigen letzten Tag der Gefangenschaft als erster Tag der Freiheit betrachtet. Ich bin mal 10km durch die Gegend gerannt. Herrlich! Trotz heftiger Regenschauer.
Die Zettelis bleiben noch eine Weile. Irgendwann sehen wir sie nicht mehr und können sie dann geflissentlich ignorieren (darin sind wir so gut du!).
Die Blubberautomaten sind auch eine gute Idee! Spart auch an Plastikflaschen, Geld und Schlepperei. Aber halt – wäre das Schleppen nicht auch eine Art Micro-Workout? Naja, das kann man ja immer noch mit den schweren Einkaufstüten.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem verregneten, stürmischen und mit dunklen Wolken überzogenen Zürich!
These are all such great ideas! I dont think I could do 5 push-ups every time I wrote a blog comment! The pull-ups with towels is a great idea. Hope your quarantine time passes quickly!
Imagine, Lisa, all the push-ups! I’m glad I spread my commenting over a few days, it makes it easier.
The days passed quickly – for once that’s a good thing!
Are you not allowed to leave your condo at all? Yikes! Looks like you are making the best of it and adapting to stay fit. You are always so positive about everything. BTW, my son brews his own kombucha! He’s gotten quite creative. His dad is a home brewer–has been brewing beer for years–so he’s got a pretty good idea of what to do!
It’s very strict, Wendy…. we’re looking at a USD 5’000 fine if we’re caught outside. It’s a weird situation, hopefully, quarantining will soon be a thing of the past for the next few years.
Your son brews his own kombucha?! WOW!! Your husband is very creative too with the beer brewing. I just saw a course on that this morning – I need to show it to my husband!
The micro-workouts are such a great idea. I need to give that a try! Also, I love kombucha and I’ve been drinking it a lot lately. Thanks for your tips.
It’s amazing how much it amounts to over the day, Lauren. Kombucha is great, especially in the hot summer months coming up!
I love the microworkout idea! This is definitely something I need to do (yes, I’m admitting my workout lately have been lacking). I hope as I write this you have been released from quarantine and counted all the animals on your run!
It’s really amazing how these little workouts add up over the day! YES, Debbie! I’ve been for my first run and it was fabulous: in the green forest with spring rain and birds singing. Perfect!
It sounds like you’ve been using your time wisely! Crazy how strict it is there. Or how un-strict we are here- whichever way you look at it.
i can’t wait to hear about your first run back. And the sandals! We’ll all want a review.
10 days can be so long, Jenny! I finally got out and could do my first run. It was cool and rainy and we ran in the forest. It was such a relief to finally be out in nature and feel the body moving. Oh, I can’t wait for the sandals!!
Glad you are about out of quarantine! I’m sure you are going to enjoy getting out for your first run. I hope you have perfect weather for it. I like your post its. I have never done micro workouts. Maybe I should try to add a few. Right now, I’m doing nothing but running and know I should probably add in some strength type things. Since I don’t feel like I have the time, maybe doing something during commercials while watching TV for an hour would work. I’ll have to think about that.
I couldn’t run in sandals. I can’t even walk in sandals. I can NOT stand the strap in between my toes. LOL
We went running, Vicky! And it was wonderful! The weather is unusually cool and wet, and we got caught in a spring shower, but it was still wonderful. We ran in the forest and heard the birds and the water rushing in the streams. Such a delight!
When you work with the children, do you lift them up? That’s a nice strength training right there. Or all your mowing. A great idea with using the commercials as an opportunity to insert a little workout.
I can’t stand anything between my toes either! But the reviews all say it’s fine. The sandals cost USD 100, I hope they are worth it. We will see!
Yay!!!! So glad you had a great first run after quarantine. It’s sounds wonderful and I’m sure more so because you have been inside for over a week!
I do lift the children. Never thought of it as strength training before though. Maybe I should find some “real” exercises I could do with them. I’m sure there’s some out there somewhere. And, I’m sure they would all want to do it. They all want to do anything someone else gets to do with the teacher. LOL
I hope the sandals work out for you. I can’t even imagine running in them.
I have a friend who works in daycare and I always admire her strong arms from lifting the kids. 😀
I bet they would love to do “exercise games” with you!
Wait, 5 pushups after every comment? Wow! I tried kombucha once and did not like the flavor. It tasted like apple cider vinegar. No thanks.
I just timed them, the 5 pushups take less than 9 seconds. A true microworkout!
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Zenaida. I think you were given a bad kombucha sample. The good ones are not vinegary at all. I hope you get to try a better one soon!
Seriously? I need to try it again. I’ve heard good things about it.
Oh goodness! I love the idea of those micro workouts. That’s the pinnacle of efficiency. I think I might try it!
Kombucha is not my thing, but I don’t really like drinking fluids much at all LOL!.
Can’t wait for you to be out of quarantine and back at it!
That’s a great way to put it, Jenn. They really are so efficient – and as a bonus, you get a lot done without feeling exhausted.
I should learn to drink fewer fluids – getting up in the night to go to the bathroom is slowly becoming annoying.
I was out running yesterday and loved every second!
Liebe Catrina,
gestern wollte kein Kurzkommentar auf deinem Blog raus, vielleicht ist er Längeres von mir gewohnt …? Also jetzt aus dem Zug!
Ich finde es toll, wenn man eine gute Fitness hat und diese diszipliniert zu halten versucht. – Das Laufen selbst ist für mich ja überhaupt kein Problem, da zieht es mich raus, aber für die Dehn- und vor allem Kräftigungsübungen habe ich noch keine Routine.
Anregungen gibt es immer wieder mal und vom Studium her, sollte ich genug selber drauf haben, aber …
Die letzte Anregung für 3 einfache und gute Übungen kam sogar aus einer günstigen Fernsehzeitschrift … ich muss es halt umsetzen, vor allem endlich eine Routine entwickeln. Und wenn ich mal mehr sitzen musste, brauche ich das ‘Gegenprogramm’. 😆
… nur überall Zettel, ich glaube, dass mich das kirre machen würde. Bei uns liegen immer wieder Notizzettelchen, auch Post-Its, auf dem Küchentisch rum … und dann noch mehr?
Meine Mutter hatte ihre Mitteilungen an uns Kinder an die Kacheln in der Küche geschrieben. Wenn wir es gelesen und auch Dinge erledigt hatten, wurde es einfach weggewischt.
Genießt eure “neuen Freiheiten”, auch wenn es eigentlich unsere Grundrechte sind!
LG Manfred
Lieber Manfred
Siehst du, über Umwege hat es dein Kommentar jetzt doch bis ins Netz geschafft.
Genau das ist der Krux: wie kriege ich mich dazu, diese ungeliebten Kraftübungen zu machen? Da muss man sich selbst jeweils etwas überlisten. Wir haben auch so viele Zettel in der Küche, aber die gelben Post-its sind etwas strategischer platziert, so dass man sie anders wahrnimmt. Die Kacheln deiner Mutter sind genial! Sozusagen der Vorreiter des Whiteboards. Super!
Eine Inspiration aus einer Fernsehzeitschrift hätte ich jetzt nicht erwartet. Das ist ja aus einer ganz unvermuteten Ecke. Toll, dass sie die Zuschauer zu etwas Bewegung animieren! Jetzt nur noch in die Tat umsetzen. 🙂
Wir geniessen die Freiheit wieder – es ist wunderbar!
Liebe Grüsse und bis morgen!
I need some inspiration, Catrina. I guess my inspiration lately is doing some trail races again. I love you idea of tying a workout to something you already do. I already have sticky notes all over the place. Now I just need to tie them into my workouts.
We have a kombucha bar in our town. I have not tried it yet, but I would like to. Maybe this weekend.
Races – especially trail races – are a wonderful inspiration, Laurie. And training for them is enjoyable too, you get to spend a lot of time in nature.
You’re so good at challenging yourself (I remember your planking), I’m sure you will find a way to get those workouts in. At least they are more fun than yoga! 😀
A kombucha bar sounds awesome!
Did not know you can brew kombucha at home! I’ll have to look for a starter.
I have a kit to make yogurt at home, you just buy packets of yogurt culture.
Micro work outs are great. Sometimes when I’m on a long webex, I’ll do sets of squats. With the camera off of course! Moving around helps me focus on the call. I also do planks during commercial breaks while watching TV at night.
I think you guys are a few steps beyond what I do!
I hope you can get a kombucha starter, Andy. I just had a glass of my own kombucha – so tasty, healthy and easy to make!
I just read about another blogger who makes her own yoghurt. Now I will have to get a starter pack too!
Haha, don’t forget to switch the camera off for those squats! I bet your colleagues would be amused!
Planks during a commercial are a great idea, too. I should try that one. Thanks for the idea!
I used to brew my own kombucha – it’s quite delicious and then you can add whatever flavors you want! I use microworkouts throughout the day to do prehab/rehab and mobility work that I would otherwise skip. It gives the brain a good break also!
I have just tried my first batch – it worked! Now I will have to learn how to add flavours like you did.
That’s true what you say about the brain, Laura. It definitely gives me a mental boost when I’ve done a few press-ups.
I’m sure this has got to be worth at least a few hundred pushups a day, Catrina. You always leave such generous comments on others posts. Neat you have made the most of your time in quarantine. Great idea with the knotted towel. That’s very creative.
In answer to your last question, I started back in cycling in the month of May. It doesn’t count for my 2 longer virtuals, but it does for the one in May which ends on May 30th, Smiles for Amanda. It is in memory of a good friend of mines daughter who was killed in 2014. She was 22. I covered 168 kilometers in 3 days, but I can’t find a route without aggressive dogs. The 3rd day I had 2 very scary incidents 5 kilometers apart. After the 2nd one I went back home and haven’t been on the bike since. I’m still in 1st place in that virtual, but there is no way I can hang on by just running and walking when there are several participants doing it just by cycling.
Haha, fortunately, I like spreading out my comments over a few days so it’s not bad at all. The knotted towel trick is genius – so easy. I wonder why I didn’t think of it myself.
The virtual “Smiles for Amanda” sounds like a very worthy cause to ride and run for. I’m not surprised you were in 1st place with 168km over 3 days, Carl! Well done!
That’s such a shame with the aggressive dogs, though. Do the owners let them roam free? Are they allowed to do that? Imagine a kid rides past one of those dogs…that could end up very nasty.
I hope you get to finish the virtual successfully nonetheless. Amanda would be so happy to know that all these bikers and runners are out there for her.
They were both very different, Catrina. The 1st was 2 women walking on leashes of 2 very large, angrily barking dogs. There was no cars coming the other way, so I biked to the very far side of the roam. As I was going by, one of the dogs was on an extended leash and it shot right across the road with bared teeth in an attempt to bite me, and forcing me off the road and into the ditch. The leash kicked in right at the far side of the road. Right where I had been cycling.
The 2nd was on the front lawn of an 11-12 year old boy. It wasn’t barking and I felt no threat. I waved and said good morning to the kid. The dog must have thought I was threatening the kid, because it snapped. It came at me full steam. Like a wolf attack, it never barked and used speed and stealth to attack, coming right across the road, sweeping behind and attacking on my right. I has just unclipped in the nick of time. So fortunate it came in on the right. I’m much more coordinated defending my self from a moving bike from the right side. I was using the hard bottom of my cycling shoe to block the attack and the dog was snapping and biting at the shoe. Had it been a sneaker, Catrina, it would have been tore apart. I kept yelling at the dog and yelling at the kid to get the dog away from me. By now I was stopped and the kid was able to get ahold of the dog. With 2 hands on the neck collar, with dragging and leading, it took every bit of effort for him to get the dog away. The entire time, it never once did bark. I told the kid I wasn’t leaving until that dog was in their fenced yard. He actually took it into their house.
Oh wow, Carl! And both incidents so close to each other! No wonder you don’t feel like getting on your bike anymore!
Extended leashes are a nuisance, even when the dog is peaceful. Often the owners just let the dog roam and any cyclists and runners that come up from behind have to somehow circle around them. I hope that the woman at least apologized to you. She clearly didn’t have her dog under any control.
And as for the second – that’s shocking. That dog should be reported to the police!
So many things could have happened: you could have fallen and then the dog would have been right at you, going for your neck. Or – as you say – you could have been wearing sneakers and then your foot would have been mangled. It’s a good thing that you reacted so quickly and didn’t panic. What a horrible experience, Carl. I’m so sorry this happened to you, of all people.
I hope that you will not have to deal with anything like this for a very, very long time. You’ve had enough dog experiences to last a lifetime!
I was very torn, Catrina. Had it been an adult I wouldn’t of hesitated to call the police. The boy was very visibly upset and in tears. He acted quickly when I yelled at him to get the dog away. Trying to put myself in the kids shoes, I know if the dog was taken away it would it would devastate him, I am really hoping he will keep it in his fenced yard from now on. For 2 nights I laid awake replaying this in my mind. The bike was still in motion, and all my attention was blocking the dog and not on what lay ahead on the road. Had I gone down it would have been over for me. I am very, very lucky.
From now on, if I see any boy out with his dog I am going to be very hesitant to wave and say hello.
That’s very kind of you to think of the young boy, Carl. It’s a good point and the poor kind was probably just as shocked as you were. I hope his parents will see the seriousness of the situation and take some action.
You are very lucky! I’m so glad you weren’t hurt – that would have been a disaster.
Oh, I bet you won’t be waving to any boys with dogs for a while! 🙂
Dear Catrina,
These are really great ideas for micro-workouts. At least for the dreaded push-ups. I really detest them, and even in Yoga I try to find the easy way round. Talking about Yoga – this is something I squeeze in every day. I know online courses are not as amusing as real courses but at least they are excellent and you can work on your own every day and improve every day. They are challenging and fun, for example Ashtanga Yoga. It all comes down to the trainer. My favourite inspirations come from Boho Beautiful or
Maybe it ignites the fire…:-)
Dear Ginger
Ugh, I don’t like doing push-ups either. I’m glad when they’re over and done with!
Thank you for the yoga links! Wow, that Boho-Beautiful girl has perfect control over her body, absolutely amazing. I love her settings, as well! Beaches and farms – so nice!
I see that she also includes push-ups, but at least their not too many. I should try to do one of her videos, it looks challenging but manageable.
Thank you and have a wonderful week, Ginger!
Dear Catrina,
Let me know how it went – she or they have so many different videos on youtube from all different countries and sceneries. I really love them.
Have a great week yourself.
I will! Thanks, Ginger!