I have a theory: the best way to do explore a foreign country is by doing trail races. You will get to see the most…
Daily life in Cape Town
Recovery Week
This week was all about relaxing and trying to get my legs back to normal again. The quad muscles are rock-hard and very stiff from…
Pre-Race Jitters
It’s only a few days until Saturday, the day of the Addo Elephant Trail ultra race. And I’m a nervous wreck. I know the 26-page…
Lessons Learned from Ultra Training
For the last 16 weeks, I have been training for the 76k ultra in Addo. The race will be on the 27 March and until…
Let’s Run Along the Promenade!
Let me take you for a run along the Promenade! It’s a very entertaining place to run, especially on the weekends. Let’s begin at our…
But…Is It Safe?
Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is surrounded by a stunning mountain range that runs down onto pristine…
Preparing for 2068
We arrived back in Cape Town and I’m so grateful for having sunny runs again. Even my Garmin, the ultimate drama queen, seems to be…
Last Run in the Sun
Our scheduled flight back to Zurich was cancelled, which meant we had to leave Cape Town a week earlier than planned. So the goal for…
My Running Goals for 2021
While I love to run for running’s sake, I thrive on having challenging goals to work for. Upcoming races help me stay focused and motivated….
A Quick 10k And A Slow 10 Miler
In German-speaking Europe, New Year’s Eve is called “Silvester“, owing to a 4th century Pope. Also, it’s a popular tradition that every respectable town hosts…