Cape Town 12k CityRun

Before we dive into this week’s post, I need to give you an update from last week’s Milkwood race: we got an e-mail yesterday informing us that Kai finished 3rd in his age group (not 4th). He won USD 15 for his 3rd place and I won USD 25 for my 1st place.

Folks, we are earning money with running! Time to change our jobs!

Now, to this week’s race: with over 4’000 participants, the Cape Town 12k Cityrun was going to be the largest race we’ve done in South Africa so far.

All runners needed to be Covid-tested before picking up their race packs. On Friday, we walked to the City Hall and waited in a long queue. Fortunately, the line was moving along fairly quickly and soon, we found ourselves in a booth with a testing stick up our noses. Then, we had to wait for 10 minutes for the results. Finally, we could pick up our race packs. Although it felt like a long process, it was all done in less than an hour.

It was a point-to-point race, so on Sunday morning, we got on a bus that took us to the starting area outside of Cape Town.

The 4’000 runners were divided into 10 batches. The first to start were the male and female “Contenders” at 7am.

To start as a “Contender”, an entrant needed to meet the time limit for the respective age group. They would also be eligible for prize money (USD 1’500 for the overall winners). For my category, the time limit was 50 minutes and the prize money was USD 180.

Well, I can’t run 12k in under 50 minutes so we registered with the regular runners.

This allowed us to watch the female Contenders start. These ladies looked impressive!

Finally, at 7.15am, it was our turn. Kai took off and I didn’t see him again until the finish line. This is becoming a pattern… he did the same thing in last week’s race. I’m not quite sure what’s happening – either he’s becoming faster or I’m becoming slower!

The route was wonderful, mostly flat with plenty of room to spread out. Throughout the race, we had a great view of Table Mountain. As we got closer to the city, more spectators enthusiastically cheered us along at the top of their voices. It was great fun!

Here are our stats:

Age Group 50-5917 out of 3044 out of 294
Overall206 out of 2’068 men34 out of 2’106 women

At the finish line, I chatted with Julie, one of the Contenders in my age group. She had finished second, only 11 seconds behind Ursula, who finished first in our age group.

I was surprised to learn that neither Julie nor Ursula met the time limit of 50 minutes. In fact, they were “only” 80 seconds ahead of me.

So here’s the plan for next year: train like crazy, apply as a Contender and earn those USD 180. Gotta keep our new running business afloat!

  • Point-to-point races or out-and-back races – which do you prefer?

I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs and Laura Norris Running.


  1. Wow, well done on being 4th in your age group! That’s very impressive. I also thought it was encouraging seeing that there were more women than men racing from your stats – are there always that many women or is that a special case? As I remember it from when I was younger and racing in Switzerland, there were usually many more men.

    It looks like you’re having wonderful weather at the moment, as well.

    1. Thanks, Kat!
      I found that interesting, too! I think this was my first race where there were more women than men. Usually, it’s the other way round, like you remember from your younger days. Sometimes the ratio of male to female participants is as high as 3:1.
      I agree, it’s very encouraging to see more women! 🙂

  2. Schlag auf Schlag, sag’ ich doch, ein Lauf nach dem anderen, mir wird ganz schwindlig !! 😉 Was macht ihr bloß, wenn es mal keinen Lauf in der nächsten Woche gibt ??? 😉

    Sieht alles sehr gut organisiert aus, so muss man sich einen Lauf in diesen Zeiten vorstellen, ganz schön hohe Teilnehmerzahl !!

    Und wie immer habt ihr euch beide bravourös geschlagen, was sich in euren Gesichtern widerspiegelt ! Glückwunsch zu deinem 4. Platz in der Altersklasse !! Das schreit nach meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr !!

    Erholt euch gut, der nächste Lauf winkt schon – ganz bestimmt – wir dürfen seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr gespannt sein !!

    Bleibt gesund !

    1. Diese Läufe sind schöne Gelegenheiten, Land und Leute kennenzulernen, liebe Margitta! Wie sonst würden wir am Sonntag morgen um 6 Uhr irgendwo in der Pampa herumstehen? 😉

      Die Leute hier haben die Organisation wirklich gut im Griff. Auf den ersten 6km gab es sogar ToiTois bei jedem Kilometer. So ein Luxus habe ich noch nie bei einem Lauf gesehen. Und drei Stellen, wo man das Wasser nachfüllen konnte – bei einer so kurzen Strecke!

      Danke dir! Nächstes Wochenende geht’s gemütlicher zu und her. Da findet zwar ein 10km-Lauf statt, aber auf einer Farm, wo jeder starten kann wie er will. Keine Ahnung, wie das ablaufen wird… auf alle Fälle gibt es dann zum Schluss einen Apple Cider. 🙂

      Dir auch eine gute Zeit und geniesse das Meer!

  3. Congrats on your new “job”!!!! I am sure that with an appropriate period of training and some speedworks you can run with the Contenders.
    You and Kai have run very fast and your stats are impressive.
    The route looks very scenic but the queue for the toilet is scary!
    I prefer the point to point races because I enjoy more the landscape. The only problem is the transfer.

    1. Haha, thank you, Stefano! Let’s hope that this business plan is sustainable. 🙂
      Yes – 80 seconds doesn’t sound much, but over only 12k, it’s quite a big difference. It would require a lot of training. Maybe I should just give my bib to Kai and let him run with the lady Contenders. 🙂
      Right! I also prefer the point to point races – but the transfer is such a hassle, especially if it’s at the end.

  4. I love your competitiveness! I say go for that money! Ditiro is now placing 4th for his Mountain Biking events – one more place up and we are in the money!

    Also so happy to see racing has really opened up in South Africa! Gives me hope that we will soon follow suit 🙂 Can’t wait to be racing again!

    1. Yay for Ditiro! That’s amazing!
      I’m really scared of mountain biking in South Africa (Botswana is probably similar). These trails look very difficult, especially the downhills. Well done for him placing 4th – I’m sure he will move up in the ranks soon!

      Yes! There are so many running events opening up right now. In April, we’re planning to spend some time in Namibia. I can’t see any events that we can enter yet, but I’m hopeful.

  5. Well congrats on the ability to change your career, LOL!

    As you said your finish time, I’m thinking that’s not SO far off. And I know you love a challenge. 🙂

    I can only imagine how having views of Table Mountain while running a race would feel.

    There’s something to be said for point to point, but the logistics can be tricky.

    1. Haha, it would be wonderful to earn an income with your hobby!
      I do love challenges – they appeal to the competitive streak that I admittedly have. It would take a lot of focused training but I would love to try.
      Yes! The view was spectacular, and the Mountain came closer and closer as we got nearer to the city.
      I agree, Judy! For this race, it was only a short bus ride, but it can be quite tedious if the route is long.

  6. Great job. Very interesting about how different countries deal with racing and COVID-19.

    As always I love the scenery of your races.

    1. Thanks, Darlene.
      This was the first time that we needed to test before a race. And other races simply ask you to fill in a questionnaire. Quite random!
      In Switzerland, we needed a Covid certificate to show that we are either tested or vaccinated. That seemed to make more sense.
      The scenery was beautiful!

  7. You both did well!! It’s great that we can get such quick results with the Covid tests now, unlike the “old days” (like, a year ago) when we had to wait a few days, right? Yes, running (and racing) does pay well 😉 I’ve never gotten a cash reward for any of my AG placings, though I did get a $25 gift card for a 1st place female a couple years ago (but the card didn’t work when I went to use it, LOL). I’m better off finding random dollar bills along the streets, ha!

    1. Thank you, Kim!
      Yes, those rapid Covid tests were very handy! It was quite a logistical feat to get everyone tested within 72 hours, but they managed.
      Oh no! You won a gift card and then it didn’t work? What a shame!
      Finding random dollar bills while running is the best! There’s a runner on Twitter who finds coins every time she goes out running. Her small findings add up to quite a sum over time. Quite amazing!

  8. Glückwunsch euch beiden zum erfolgreichen Finish! Flacher Stadtlauf, mein Revier, ich kann jeden schnellen Kilometer nachvollziehen 😉
    Ein Preisgeld hab ich noch nie bekommen, wüsste auch keinen Lauf wo sowas ausgeschrieben wird (und ich realistische Chancen hätte), auch dazu Glückwunsch, mit Laufen Geld verdienen, klasse!
    Und nächstes Jahr seid ihr fit für unter50 Minuten, wäre doch gelacht!
    Erholt euch gut und liebe Grüße, Oliver

    1. Danke dir, lieber Oliver!
      Während dem Lauf dachte ich noch, dass dies eine perfekte Route für Minimalläufer wäre…. und genau dann überholt mich ein junger weisser Barfussläufer. Der war sehr flott unterwegs! Du hättest dich sehr wohl gefühlt und hättest bestimmt in deiner AK ein Preisgeld gewonnen. 😉

      50 Minuten wären ein 4:10er Pace… leider ausserhalb meiner Möglichkeiten. Für dich wäre das ein Klacks! Ich denke, du wärst eher im 45-Minuten Bereich, oder? Dann wärst du in der AK 50-59 zweiter geworden. (
      Zeit, dass du nach Cape Town kommst!

      Liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnigen aber sehr windigen Cape Town!

  9. Liebe Catrina,
    wow, ihr wechselt ins Profi-Lager! Wisst ihr schon, wie ihr die nachgereichten Riesensummen anlegt?
    Und klar, nächstes Jahr der Angriff auf die 180 USD, heureka!
    Tolles Wetter hattet ihr, wie warm war es? Mich hätte die Testaktion zuvor gestresst, nicht der Test als solcher, aber dass man da zusätzlich anstehen muss. Scheint ja aber erträglich flott gegangen zu sein.
    Erst dachte ich, was, noch ein Rennen? Aber 12 km geht ja, die nimmt man so mit. Ansonsten sehe ich es wie du, trainieren forcieren und dann nächstens Kai stehen lassen!
    Ich bevorzuge Rundrennen statt A nach B, einfach weil dann der Transport zum Start entfällt. Doch wenn es gut organisiert ist, ist es ok.
    Liebe Grüße von Sylt!

    1. Liebe Elke
      Kai muss jetzt eine neue Portfoliostrategie anwenden für die Unsummen, die wir hier verdienen! 😉

      Morgens war es um die 18°C, eigentlich ganz angenehm (Kai würde dir sagen, es war zu kalt, er ist ein bisschen ein Gfröörli). Zum Glück waren wir am Freitag nicht unter Zeitdruck, die Warterei hätte mich sonst nervös gemacht. Es ging erstaunlich schnell – ich habe mehr Hindernisse erwartet.

      Genau, 12km vor der Haustüre kann man immer mal machen. So fast ein bisschen wie der Martinslauf, nur mit mehr Teilnehmern. Am nächsten Samstag planen wir einen sehr gemütlichen 10k auf einer Farm. Ich weiss gar nicht, ob es wirklich ein “Wettkampf” ist. Jeder kann starten wann er will und am Schluss gibt’s Öpfelmoscht.

      Genau! Der Transport muss gut organisiert sein, dann machen die A nach B Rennen auch Spass!

      Liebe Grüsse nach Sylt – geniesst das Meer. Ich hoffe, dass ihr schönes Wetter habt!

  10. Congrats to Kai & yourself again on your results. How great is that being in the top % of your AG. Hard work pays off. Not $$$ though🤣

    $180 to win your AG as an Olympian?😱 Sounds like a lot of work for little return, especially when you would need coaches to move to that next level. You train hard & now is time to fine-tune your running OR NOT for a $180 prize🤣🤣🤣 Law of diminishing returns sets in.

    Perhaps become a coach to someone who wants that $180. Imagine you would have earned a lot more than $180 training that runner. That is your way I am pretty certain, how you can make $ from running.🤔

    Hope you spent you $20 from a previous race wisely. Wine is better🤣🤣

    Thanks again for you review 👏

    1. Thank you, Yves!
      Haha, exactly! So much training for so little money! Doesn’t look like this will develop into a multi-million dollar business… Maybe we should ask Ronaldo or Roger Federer how to do it properly… 🙂

      You are right, coaching would definitely pay better. But then… pouring over Excel sheets and calculating paces doesn’t seem as much fun as running itself. 🙂

      I spent the other 20 dollars on an outing in a café. Actually, the money even lasted for 2 outings. 🙂 Kai plans to spend his money on a bottle of wine. You can’t go wrong with South African wine!

      Thank you for your encouragement and support on Strava! It’s a lot of fun!

    1. Thank you, FireFly!
      It’s impressive how they managed that in such a short time.

      Cape Town is spectacular. It’s on the sea and has a beautiful mountain range. Perfect for trail running!

  11. Ha ha yes, good goal- start to support yourself by running races! You may not have been a “contender” but that’s still an impressive time! Maybe Kai is sneaking our and doing speedwork without you. Anyway it looks like a really fun race!

    1. Yes! I’m sure Kai is doing some secret speedwork behind my back.
      Maybe I should just pin my bib on him for our next race. That way, we would win some prize money at every race, haha!

  12. Your running earnings are impressive. I remember that you won a bottle of wine once so you should add that and the cost of the hard seltzer into the total…it’s going to add up!

    I calculated once that I’ve made about $25 from running so far. $23 in cash found on the ground and $2 from RunBet. That’s a basically the cost of one 5k;-)

    1. Maybe I should open a liquor shop, too! 🙂
      Wait, what? You found 23 dollars while running? This running gig is becoming worthwhile. You should open a second bank account for “running earnings”, Birchie!

  13. Liebe Profiläuferin, liebe Catrina,

    mit Laufen Geld verdienen, fast sowas wie mein Traum (früherer Tage)! 🙂 Naja, ganz so abgehoben war ich dann doch nicht, wusste sehr wohl, dass da ein paar Min. auf 10 km fehlen! 😳 … bin halt nicht so schnell und berühmt wie ihr! 😛

    Aber HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zu eurer tollen Performance! Den Lohn dafür nimmt man dann gerne mit … und wenn es sich auszahlt, gönne ich euch auch den Wechsel in den neuen Job! 😛

    Hab gerade mal in Gedanken durchgerechnet in welcher Kategorie (sub soundso Zeit) ich hätte starten dürfen. – Diese Rechenspielchen hörten sich gut an, das Leistungsvermögen ist aber schon ewig lange weg … tief im letzten Jahrtausend!!! 😆 Und heute könnte ich mich nicht mal in die sub60 eintragen … nach den erfolgreichen Tests der Gravitationskraft noch außer Form! 😛

    Mach du dir aber nichts draus, Kai kann diese kurzen Strecken mit seiner größeren Grundkraft laufen. Du könntest deinen Trumpf über die ganz langen Strecken ausspielen! 🙂

    Eine Stunde Anstehen geht wirklich noch und hat sich bestimmt nicht auf die WK-Leistung ausgewirkt, aber stell dir 3 Stunden Wartezeit vor einem Marathon vor. Da biste dann müde bevor du losläufst! 😉 … und Ursula, ist sie aus Europa, oder kennen sie dort auch solche Vornamen? – Ihr rennt ja nicht nur eure WKs an den Wochenenden, sondern lernt auch die Laufszene im Renntempo kennen! 😉 Aber die Begegnungen unter Läuferinnen und Läufern machen immer Spaß, sind entspannt und oft nette Begegnungen!

    Meist bin ich Rundkurse gelaufen, oder Strecken, die fast einen Rundkurs ergaben. Echte Point-to-Point-Strecken? … wüsste ich auf Anhieb nicht. ‘Mein’ San-Francisco-Marathon war fast ein solcher, allerdings mit viel Anlauf und dann im Slalom und mit Schlenkern durch die City. – Was ich bevorzugen würde, weiß ich vielleicht auch deshalb nicht einmal, ich glaube aber, dass es mir egal ist. Für Zuschauer ist eine Point-to-Point-Strecke nicht so prickelnd, vor allem dann, wenn man öfters an die Strecke kommen möchte.

    … aber Halt, der TAR ist ja solch ein WK. Der hat den Vorteil, dass man später sagen kann, dass man so richtig vorangekommen ist, also Strecke gemacht hat! 😛 😆

    So steht jetzt das Training für den Winter fest, damit du nächstes Jahr die 50 unterbieten kannst! 😆

    Aus dem abendlichen Darmstadt
    LG Manfred

    1. Lieber Manfred
      Danke dir! Das wäre tatsächlich ein Traum, mit dem Laufen Geld zu verdienen. Im Moment ist unsere Bilanz eher im Minus wenn man die Startgelder dazurechnet… aber das ignorieren wir geflissentlich! 🙂

      Für die Kategorie 60-69 der Männer ist die Limite bei 53 Minuten und für die 70+ ist die Zeit bei 60 Minuten. Mit etwas Training und weniger Erdanziehungskraft-Tests würdest du die 53-Minuten Limite locker erreichen. Ich habe einen Contender-Herrn überholt mit einer 75 am Rücken, der hat einen flotten Pace drauf gehabt!
      Und stell’ dir vor, bei den männlichen Contenders war auch ein Läufer mit Krücken! Krücken! Er war in der Kategorie 40 und natürlich nicht so schnell. Ich habe ihn auch überholt und dabei ermuntert, was er fröhlich erwidert hat. Mich würde interessieren, was da für eine Geschichte dahinter steckt.

      Kai trainiert bestimmt heimlich. Vielleicht sollte ich ihm das nächste Mal einfach meine Startnummer geben, dann gewinnen wir immer! 😉

      Ich habe mit Hilfe ihrer Startnummer die Fotos von Ursula herausfiltern können. Sie ist eine Südafrikanerin mit hellbrauner Hautfarbe (“coloured”). Sieht super fit aus! Mal sehen, vielleicht treffe ich sie mal persönlich. Du hast Recht, es macht riesig Spass, Leute aus der Läufer Community kennenzulernen!

      Ah, der TAR ist ein Point-to-Point par excellence! Das ist sogar ein Multi-Point-to-Point Race. Logistisch muss das für die Läufer und die Organisatoren eine rechte Herausforderung sein. Für die Zuschauer ist es schon bequemer, wenn die Läufer wieder zum Ausgangspunkt zurückkommen. Die Frau von MapMan Reto kann davon ein Liedchen singen. 🙂

      Genau! Wir müssen wieder mal unsere Bahn im Stadion besuchen. Es ist ja nicht mal einen halben Kilometer weit entfernt. Sub-50 für die 12km werde ich nicht schaffen, aber vielleicht Kais Zeit erreichen. Das wäre schon was!

      Liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnig-windigen Cape Town!

  14. How cool that you guys earned some money from that last race. Now you know that you can totally make it as a contender, here’s to seeing how much you’ll win on this race next year. Interesting that they required COVID testing but at least it seemed to be a simple and efficient process. Good job!

    1. Haha, I will never reach the 50-minute limit but I can try and make up for a minute or two on my time for next year. It was a lovely race and well organized.
      I thought it was a little strange too – I’m sure most were vaccinated (as we are) but they still required testing. Quite a feat for so many participants!
      Thanks, Virjinia!

  15. You are killing it with your races – absolutely amazing! You MUST set your sights on that Contenter-group for next year, I´m positive you´ll get there with in no time. 🙂

    I prefer running back to back, it´s psychologically easier when you know exactly where you are on the course.

    1. I am very surprised too! I don’t think I’ll ever qualify for that Contender group, but I can always try to shave off a minute or two from my time. At least it’s worth the money! 🙂
      That’s a good point! With the point-to-point races, there are always a lot of unknowns – paved roads? Hilly roads? Bridges?
      Hopefully, you get to run in some daylight this week, Riitta!

  16. Congrats on winning some money in your race! While I enjoy point to point, the logistics can be complicated. (Like parking at the finish and taking a bus to the start and needing to figure out where to keep extra gear). Congrats on your race!

    1. Thank you, Lisa!
      Exactly, these point-to-point races can be quite a challenge. At this one, the weather was fortunately ok so we didn’t need extra clothes, but in cool or rainy weather it can get very complicated – especially if there’s no service where you can drop off your bags.

  17. Wow you too are crushing it at these races! ‘what a power couple. I am amazed at the covid prototols in place there and it must give some comfort. The way you say “toilet queues” sounds much more civilized than Porta potty lines! LOL congrats on another great run you two

    1. Thank you, Deborah! I’m really surprised that we’re suddenly in the upper ranks… just a year ago we were more in the middle of the pack. The Covid protocols were very stringent – more than I’ve ever seen at a race.
      Haha, true point about the “toilet queues”! Btw, even for the porta-potties, there was someone disinfecting them after every single use!

  18. Congrats to both you and Kai! I truly don’t think you are getting slower, lol. In answer to your question, I prefer loop races! I don’t like out and back because seeing the speedier racers running towards me kind of crushes my confidence, lol. And point to point means you have to wait for a ride back…

    1. Thank you, Wendy! Haha, I think Kai is doing some secret speed training!
      Oh, that’s an excellent point about the out-and-back races. I just had that experience two weeks ago. Seeing the elite was kind of cool, but then the more runners you see coming towards you, the further you know you are behind everyone. I totally agree, after a certain point, it gets demoralizing.

  19. Wowza Catrina – that’s so impressive! One race after the next and placing high in all of them. I totally see you earning your living with running 😉 I am waiting for next year and you being a contender!
    We don’t have many point to point races, but I love them! It makes me feel as if I’m getting to somewhere. Loops are ok, too, but I really disklike out and backs and having to pass all those people.

    1. It was a lovely race, Roni. I’m surprised that I placed so high – I wasn’t expecting it at all. Let’s see how far we get with building our “running empire”, haha!
      Point-to-point races must be a pain for the organizers – all the things that can go wrong. But I like the aspect of “getting somewhere”. For this 12k, it was fun seeing the Table Mountain coming closer and closer.
      I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Did you do the whole Turkey thing?

      1. No I don’t like turkey and also dislike many of the other dishes (green bean casserole, stuffing??) So we always cook something nice that we like for us as we don’t feel bound by a tradition that isn’t ours.

  20. I’ve never run a 12K before but this sounds like a really cool distance!

    You have had such an amazing year with your races and this one was n different – congrats!

    1. Neither have I, Kim! I think I actually prefer it to a 10k.
      I think that’s it with races for this year. Unless another one pops up in the neighbourhood, haha!

  21. Congrats on your race! It sounds like you are definitely a Contender! Make that money!

    1. Thank you, Janelle! Haha, right! Let’s go for it and build our running empire! 😉

  22. Great running, Catrina. Even though Kai was out of sight, a minute and a half is not all that far apart. And so very cool about the prize money for both you and Kai. To finish 34th out of 2106 women is truly amazing. Yes, definitely sign up for the contenders next year! 🙌 😀🏃‍♀️

    1. Thank you very much, Carl. It was a great race and well organized. Running on the tarmac seems so easy after all those trails!
      But the trails are nicer – being out in nature, enjoying the scenery and listening to the birds singing. Unbeatable.
      I hope you manage to get to Copeland Forest again soon!

      1. Thank you, Catrina. It really would have been a nice change up for you.. But so true, nothing beats the trails! Has been a couple of months since I have been to Copeland Forest. With 3 crosswalk shifts, it makes it quite tight during the week. Weekends are very busy there. Am looking forward to the school break at Christmas, which is 2 weeks long! 😀🌳

        1. Oh, that will be a nice break! I’m sure you’re missing your trails.
          Enjoy a lovely weekend, Carl! 🤗

  23. Congrats on placing so high in your age group! It’s fun to see the strength from trails translate to speed on the road.

    1. Thank you, Laura! Yes! That’s exactly what I thought. The road felt so easy after all those hilly trails. Trails are great training and easy on the body.

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