Remember Brigitta? The Swiss runner that we cheered on a few weeks ago at the Cape Town marathon?
Well, she and her partner Franz run a beautiful guest house called 4-heaven just outside Cape Town. Even better, they offer guided mountainbike tours.
We have never tried out mountainbiking in South Africa, so I contacted Brigitta and asked her if we could rent two bikes and do a tour in their area. She very kindly offered to be our guide for the day as well. Of course, we were more than delighted with that proposition.
Last Friday, we met up at their guest house.
The 4-heaven guest house
We could choose between an e-bike and a muscle-powered bike. We chose the latter. Interestingly, Brigitta told us that older clients tend to choose the regular bikes, while the younger ones go for the e-bikes. Who would have thought?
Flörü adjusted our bikes and we were off.
As we are not very skilled bikers, Brigitta took us on a non-technical route through the vineyards. It was perfect for us.
Cows Bonteboks
It was also our first time on bikes with 29-inch wheels. Our bikes in Switzerland are 15 years old and have smaller, 26-inch wheels. I was amazed at what a difference these bigger wheels made! It was so easy to glide over the trail – it felt as if the bike was riding itself.
Now I need a new bike!
A photo from July. My bike with small wheels (and no helmet!) Compared to these wheels!
After 36k, we took a nice break.
Brigitta Kai
By the time we got home, we had covered 57k (35 miles) and 880m (2’900ft) of elevation. Kai and myself were exhausted at the end (riding without padded pants didn’t help…)
Brigitta, however, looked as fresh as a daisy. In fact, she was ready to go out on a more challenging tour with some of their guests the very next day. As a bike guide, she does lengthy tours nearly every day.
Her fitness level is so high that she can do a hilly 109k road bike race in 3 hours without even training for it!
Our route through the vineyards. Finally a soft seat.
Although we had planned a run for the next day, we took a rest day instead. We needed it!
When we finally did our run on Sunday, we got to witness a marriage proposal at the promenade. The husband-to-be had prepared a “Will you marry me?”-sign with balloons at the landing site for paragliders.
He glided down from Signal Hill and was met by a cheering crowd below. Then, his fiancée floated down. When she was close enough to read the sign from above, she shouted “Yes! Yes!” at the top of her voice. When she touched the ground, the Bruno Mars song “Marry You” blasted from the speakers. It was perfect!
Now, why did I never get a proposal like that?
The sign. Here she comes! Yes!
This was only topped by seeing a pod of 50 humpback whales the next day off the coast of Cape Town. I only have a blurry photo, but it was an awesome experience seeing them.
A blurry humpback whale The water is freezing, but the kids enjoy it.
- Have you ever been on a guided running or bike tour?
- For those who are married – did you have a dramatic marriage proposal?
I’m joining Kooky Runner and Zenaida’s link-up, Tuesday Topics. I’m also joining Runner’s Roundup with Mile By Mile, Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Runs with Pugs and Laura Norris Running.
Liebe Catrina,
schöne Erfahrungen habt ihr gemacht, was radfahren angeht. Mit kompetenter Führerin eine tolle Tour erlebt. Und auch radtechnisch Erkenntnisse dazugewonnen. Ich habe ja keine Ahnung von Rädern, aber dass ein größerer Radumfang so spürbar ist, finde ich bemerkenswert. Wobei, wenn ihr beide E-Bikes gewählt hättet, ich hätte in die Tischplatte gebissen! 😉 Das ist doch ein prima Zusatztraining, den Regenerationstag danach habt ihr euch verdient! Und, hihi, Kais Shirt und Trinkflasche kommen mir aber bekannt vor…!
Eine geführte Radtour hatten Chris und ich ja erst vor einigen Wochen. Aber nicht sportlich geprägt, sondern kulturell zum jüdischen Leben in unserer Stadt. Das war auch mal eine gute Abwechslung.
Der Heiratsantrag war ja auch ein Erlebnis, sicher nicht nur für die Braut, sondern auch für Zuschauer wie euch. Da musste sich aber ihr Zukünftiger sehr sicher sein… man stelle sich vor, die Antwort wäre ein “Ich weiß nicht” gewesen… Mir war so etwas nicht beschieden.
Und Wale konntet ihr beobachten. Das war sicher sehr eindrücklich, würde ich auch mal gern erleben.
Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Rheinland
Liebe Elke
Zwar keine Elli, aber auch mit Räder! Die Tour mit Brigitta war wirklich eine gute Motivation, uns endlich mal mit dem Kauf von Mountainbikes zu beschäftigen. Die Bikes sind zwar teuer, aber wenn man mal eines hat, verbringt man (hoffentlich) auch dementsprechend mehr Zeit darauf. Und dann würden wir vielleicht auch lernen, auf den schwierigeren Trails zu fahren.
E-Bikes gehen gar nicht! 🙂
Haha, stimmt, GP Bern und Jungfrau-Marathon! Fehlt nur noch ein Eigertrail-Souvenir… 🙂
Genau, an eure interessante Radtour kann ich mich erinnern. So was Kulturelles tut doch auch mal gut!
Stelle dir vor, der Heiratsantrag wäre in die Hose gegangen! Aber so hatten alle ihre helle Freude – ich fand es schön, wie das unbeteiligte Publikum (bestimmt über 100 Personen) klatschte und sich freute.
Heute waren wie Wale wieder weg – und das Meer wieder ganz ruhig.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnigen und eher windstillen Cape Town!
South Africa sounds wonderful! That meeting with Brigitta was very fortuitous. Not only did you get to go on a lovely bike ride, but that guest house looks amazing. Will you go back?
It was an amazing coincidence, Wendy, and I’m really happy we met up. They’re only 30 minutes away from us, so I’m hoping we will meet up soon again. There’s a race here in Cape Town next week. If Brigitta has time, she may join.
And we will certainly visit their place again, it’s wonderful!
OMG I´m going to demand a re-proposal from hubby!! 😀 😀 Just kidding – he did it very romantically at the Sant Sebastia beach in Barcelona with a beautiful ring so have no complaints. And I could never, ever jump out of a plane…
Your bike ride scenery was beautiful, and I can imagine you needed a rest day after that! 57 km is a long way, well done!
Seeing whales is on my bucket list, they´re fascinating creatures. Just their size is mind-boggling!
Ooooh, you are very fortunate, Riitta! A romantic beach proposal in Spain – what more could you wish for?
Mine was in a shabby German café on a gloomy autumn day… not exactly romantic! 🙂
I thought our bike ride was long, too, but I think for Brigitta, it was merely a warm-up!
Right! There were kayaks near the whales – they were tiny compared to these massive creatures. If the whales had wanted to, they could have smashed these little boats with a mere flip of their tails.
I do love running tours. Not a biker but yours sounds fun. Especially viewing the whales.
Nope. My proposal was not dramatic.
Although you’re not a biker, I think you would have enjoyed this tour, Darlene!
Neither was my proposal dramatic! Kai isn’t the type – but maybe that’s exactly the reason why I married him. 🙂
What a fun tour and I love that your friends have a business that’s aligned with their active lifestyle. That’s a very dramatic proposal. How cool to witness it. I took a bike tour with my family through LaCrosse, Wisconsin. It was nice!
That’s exactly what I thought, Marcia. It must be so cool to combine something you love doing with a job that produces income.
It’s a good thing she said “yes” – anything else would have been slightly anti-climactic, haha!
Wisconsin! Judging from Wendy’s photos, it must be an awesome place. How lovely you could do a family bike tour there!
Wow on all counts! What a lovely adventure, Catrina.
I have seen humpback whales, but FIFTY? That’s so awesome! And yes, I’ve done several running tours & enjoyed them immensely.
I won’t go into the details, but my proposal was barely a proposal. The grand proposals of today were just not a thing back then, but mine didn’t even involve a ring — suffice it say, it wasn’t planned.
I just learned from a newspaper article that they were in fact 60 whales – and it had a lovely photo to go with it, much better than my blurry one. It was an awesome experience, especially to see how BIG they were in comparison to the tiny kayaks.
Haha, Judy, your proposal sounds like mine!! I blame it on the time, too – proposals weren’t a big thing back in the 90s. But we are both happily married all the same, so I guess it has no lasting impact on the marriage itself 🙂
I have a few little lights but they’re really not bright enough.
Oh, Catrina, I’m SOOOO jealous! Your bike tour sounds amazing (even without the padded shorts, LOL). What a fun time!! My proposal was via a Christmas card that I opened in front of my entire extended family (though I don’t think anyone noticed because they were all opening their own gifts), so I felt like I had a spotlight on me.
I thought of you while during our ride and I knew you would have liked this type of thing. You would have killed it with all your biking miles!
Oh, Kim, your husband is a genius! I bet you can’t open a single Christmas card without thinking back to that special proposal card. Was your husband in the same room when you opened it? If so, he must have been smiling all over his face. 🙂
Wenn ich euch so sehe mit kurzen Hosen, kurzen Ärmeln, das ist in der derzeitigen Winter-Wetterlage schon ein ganz anderes Bild bei euch als bei uns, aber zum Glück gibt es ja gute und warme Klamotten.
So eine Tour mit dem Fahrrad hätte ich auch gerne mitgemacht, und ich glaube dir aufs Wort, dass es sehr wohl darauf ankommt, womit man sich auf solche Abenteuer einlässt, bin gespannt, wann du dann mit deinem eigenen irgendwo glücklich auftauchen wirst !! 😉
Wenn du ein E-Bike genommen hättest, würde ich die Welt nicht mehr verstehen, zum Glück habt ihr richtig gewählt. Auch für mich (ältere !!) kommt ein mich nicht aus eigener Kraft fahrender Untersatz überhaupt nicht infrage, entweder ich kann Fahrrad fahren – oder ich lasse es ganz – keine Option für mich !
Wie gesagt – schöne Tour !!
Doch ich habe auch öfters eine geleitete Tour gemacht, als ich mit einem Kreuzfahrtschiff unterwegs war, dann fuhren wir mit einem jungen, netten Guide in Schottland auf die Berge und wieder runter, auch in Norwegen, in Amsterdam, (war besonders aufregend). In Ungarn sind wir 80 km vor Budapest ausgestiegen, während die anderen mit dem Schiff weiterfuhren, haben wir die Strecke mit dem Fahrrad bewältigt – schöne Sache !
Der Heiratsantrag ist super – wer kann da schon NEIN sagen, ganz so abenteuerlich war es bei uns nicht, aber nichtsdestotrotz schöne Erinnerungen – Hauptsache, die Liebe hält dann auch ewig an !!
Gerade eben sehe ich hier am Himmel einen Hauch von Sonne…………liebe Grüße nach ganz unten 😎🍀
Was Wetter für ein Unterschied machen kann, liebe Margitta! Wir hatten einen besonders schönen Tag erwischt und wir haben es sehr genossen.
Dir hätte die Tour sehr gefallen! Es war so einfach, mit diesen tollen Bikes zu fahren, am liebsten hätte ich sie gleich mitgenommen. Leider sind sie noch sehr neu und werden noch ein paar Jahre von den Gästen genutzt werden. Jetzt müssen wir uns überlegen, wie wir es machen… Die beste Lösung wäre, gebrauchte Velos zu kaufen, mit denen wir ein bisschen auf eigene Faust üben könnten.
Nicht wahr? E-Bikes sind ein absolutes No-Go. Obwohl Brigitta einen guten Punkt erwähnt hat: weil man mit den E-Bikes schneller ist, kann man auch längere Routen fahren und bekommt so mehr zu sehen. Aber wir waren zufrieden mit unserer Tour! 🙂
Deine geführten Touren klingen sehr spannend!! Besonders das Ungarn-Abenteuer gefällt mir. Was für eine geniale Idee! Ich nehme an, du hast damals noch keinen Blog gehabt?
Ich hoffe, du hast heute auch etwas Sonne am Meer – liebe Grüsse von Meer zu Meer!
Doch ich hatte schon einen Blog (seit 2007) und vorher hatte ich schon eine selbstgebastelte Homepage ! Muss direkt mal gelegentlich recherchieren, ob………. Sonne – leider Fehlanzeige, 0 Grad, gefühte -5, wolkig, aber trocken – immerhin !!
Dear Catrina,
I’m not a good biker and I am sure my behind would have been too sore to do all that distance. The 29″ wheels sound interesting. I don’t think I have done a guided run or bike tour – I would hate that as I can’t go at my own slow speed unless you are indeed in such a small group as you were.
I am a bit double about the marriage proposal. It seems in these days of social media – proposals are getting more and more elaborate and some might expect something fancy/complicated while the simple act of loving each other and wanting to marry is more than enough imho. I didn’t have any ‘proposal’, we just talked about it and concluded to do it. I would not have wanted anything different.
The whale is so cool. Must have been great to see it!
Dear Roni
Kai still has a sore behind! 🙂 Brigitta was an excellent guide – she adapted to our slow speed and fortunately, we were only the two of us. I was glad we weren’t a bigger group! Like you, I would have felt pressured to keep up.
Very good point! We married in the 90s and in those days, proposals weren’t a thing. Nowadays everything has to be TikTok-compatible and there’s a lot of pressure. The way you did sounds so sensible and down-to-earth!
It was a rare privilege seeing so many whales near Cape Town!
Liebe Catrina,
ah, schöne Abwechslung und eine schöne Bike-Tour! Auch die Bilder zeigen wieder einmal so ganz andere Landschaften (oder typisch südafrikanische?)! Danke fürs Mitbringen dieser Ansichten, also danke fürs Teilen! 🙂 … und einen Buntbock hätte ich vielleicht noch als Antilope eingeordnet, aber nicht als Kuhantilope … wieder was dazu gelernt, da ich nachgelesen habe!
Das Gästehaus ist bestimmt auch eine tolle Destination. Da kann man bestimmt auch gut ‘abhängen’?!
Tolle Bike-Tour, also unterwegs auf fremdem Terrain! … mit kurzen Klamotten, während hier ja noch nicht alles ausgereizt wurde, nur in anderer Richtung! 😆 … aber 57 km müssen ja auch erst einmal erstrampelt werden! … für den ‘Hintern’ und die Oberschenkel ungewohnt!
29 Zoll Räder, kann ich nur empfehlen! 😉 Ich bin 2015 umgestiegen … macht Spaß, wenn ich dann mal fahre! 😆 – Aber vom Bike-Guide erwarte ich gute Kondition und sie sollte immer den Teilnehmern einer Gruppe überlegen sein! – Da ist es ja dann nur folgerichtig, dass ein solcher Guide auch eigene (Trainings)Touren einbaut, oder vielleicht sogar mehrere Touren an einem Tag macht, wenn die Touris nicht so viel ‘drauf haben’! Damit meine ich selbstverständlich nicht euch, da ich glaube, dass ihr den meisten anderen überlegen seid. 😛 – Touren macht ein Guide aber auch für sich selbst, um neue Wege kennenzulernen und Routen zusammenzustellen; nicht nur trainingshalber! 🙂
Aber nix draus machen, da Brigitta das alles gewöhnt ist, für euch gehört es aber nicht zum Trainingsalltag. Von daher habt ihr hoffentlich den Pausentag auch ohne schlechtes Gewissen eingelegt!!!
… und mit Brigitta ging dann alles in Schwyzerdütsch? 😉
Auf dem Tisch während der Pause sehe ich aber keinen Café und keinen Kuchen … gerade beim Radfahren kann man das doch besser mitnehmen, als zum Laufen! 😛
Geführte (Rad)Touren habe ich nur einige wenige Male in Kroatien (Istrien) mitgemacht, als wir für unsere Studienfahrten sportliche Inhalte (für Schüler des LK-Sport) gebucht hatten. In der Regel wurden die fitten Jungs stark unterfordert. Wir mussten aber alle mitnehmen, auch die Jungs, die keine Ausdauersportler waren und natürlich auch ein paar Mädels, deren Sportarten andere Schwerpunkte hatten. – 3 x darfst du raten, wo ich einzuordnen war! 😆
Heiratsantrag? – Es war in einem Skilift, als ich meine Frau fragte, ob sie es sich ‘mit mir vorstellen’ könnte. … wohl etwas zu unromantisch (?) … – Zur Verlobung hatte uns dann meine Mutter eine romantische Mondscheinfahrt mit dem Boot auf dem Wannsee geschenkt. Dort habe ich, in einem passenden Moment, in dem sich der Mond auf dem Wasser spiegelte, meiner Frau den Ring aufgesteckt.
Aus dem schon dunklen Darmstadt
Liebe Grüße Manfred
Lieber Manfred
Gerne! Stelle dir vor, der Buntebok war mal vom Aussterben bedroht! Zum Glück wurde die Art gerettet und ist jetzt in verschiedenen Gegenden wieder angesiedelt. Mir gefällt die Zeichnung auf dem Fell sehr.
Ha, du bist ja auch immer noch in kurz unterwegs – zumindest unten rum 🙂 Die Oberschenkel haben noch gut mitgemacht – aber der Hintern… au weia. Das nächste Mal müssen wir unbedingt die gefütterten Bikeshorts mitnehmen. Den Pausentag haben wir genossen – vor allem unser Hintern! 🙂
Natürlich haben wir unterwegs auch viel zu Quasseln gehabt – und ja, alles auf Schwyzerdütsch. Endlich wieder mal! Kaffee hat es nach dem Foto gegeben – aber ausnahmsweise keinen Kuchen…
Du bist schon auf die 29-Zoll Räder umgestiegen, super! Die fahren einfach besser, nicht wahr?
Brigitta und Franz machen das genau so, wie du sagst: wenn sie mal keine Gäste haben (2020 leider der Fall) machen sie oft Touren alleine um neue Routen kennenzulernen. Sie decken eine grossen Radius ab – bei manchen Touren mit den Gästen laden sie die Bikes in einen Kleinbus und fahren zum Ausgangsort. So erleben die Leute immer wieder was Neues, auch wenn sie schon mehrmals da waren.
Oh, Radtouren in Kroatien! Das muss bestimmt sehr schön gewesen sein. Lasse mich raten…. du warst bei den fitten und stark unterforderten Jungs? 🙂 Ihr hättet halt die Tour vor der offiziellen Tour machen sollen, dann sind die Fitten schon etwas ausgelaugt!
Ach, ich finde den Skilift schon sehr romantisch. Und auch sehr schlau – dann kann sich auch nicht abspringen 😉
Aber die Mondscheinfahrt toppt das noch… wirklich eine schöne Geschichte. Ich hoffe, dass ihr die Wannsee-Bootsfahrt an einem runden Hochzeitstag wiederholt.
Liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnigen Cape Town!
It looks like you had such a great time on the biking tour. I’ve never done any type of tour, but I would love to do a running tour eventually, maybe the next time I visit Chicago.
Oh, that’s exciting Kim! I hope you get to do that in Chicago next time. Maybe some other bloggers who live in the area would join you!
What a wonderful tour! South Africa is a beautiful Country.
Great shot of the whale. I am so sad to know that in many parts of the world people kill this wonderful animal.
I made a guided bike tour some years ago around Munich but it was not fun because, despite my advices, my wife wore “normal” dress and brought a very heavy bag with her.
It’s so beautiful here, Stefano. And such a big country, too!
I thought so too. I really hope there will be more strict rules on whale hunting. It was nice to see how excited people were at the promenade – everybody was in awe.
Haha, your experience in Munich is hilarious! I bet you were left with carrying the heavy bag, right? 🙂
Of course but only after 10 minutes because she had to learn the lesson!
This is so funny! 😂🤣
That biking tour looks great! And how cool to see a proposal like that! My husband proposed in our apartment at 6am before we left for a trip. I dont like big scenes so it was perfect for us. And we got to celebrate on our vacation!
I bet you were surprised to get a proposal at 6am! That must be the earliest proposal in history, haha!
But great timing to do it ahead of a vacation. Your husband planned that perfectly!
I just love how adventurous you 2 are! Looks like a really fun day out there.
Thank you, Deborah! It was a great day. It reminded me a bit of your guided running tour in California!
Ooh, that looks like something I’d love to do in CT next time I get there, the tour looks lovely! Yip 29 inches help a lot, as does a soft tail!
You would enjoy this, Birdie!
The saddles also had an hydraulic lift system – super comfortable! 🚴🏻🚴🏻♀️
My husband and I have been looking at bike tours in Portugal. That is my dream vacation.
How wonderful to have a job where you can ride your bike everyday and in such a beautiful place.
Your excursion looked amazing!
Oh, I’ve never biked in Portugal! I would love to do that, Denise.
Brigitta is very lucky! She really enjoys biking and appreciates that her job allows her to do that. It’s so cool!
Liebe Catrina,
wow, wie lange war ich nicht im Netz? Ein Jahr??? Soviel wie sich bei dir getan hat, könnte ich das fast glauben. Jetzt hab ich erst mal nachgelesen, weiß aber gar nicht mehr, was ich wozu bemerken wollte.
Ja doch: Start eines Laufs verpasst – nein, ich hätte mich über die Kirschen genauso gefreut, wie über den Cidre!
Und wenn man mich aus einem Flugzeug werfen würde, würde vermutlich sogar ich “Ja” schreien, aus lauter Erleichterung, überlebt zu haben.
57 km ohne Radhose ist aber auch sehr… ambitioniert! Ich glaube sowas hinterlässt “bleibende Eindrücke”. 😉
Liebe Doris
Wir hatten eine Glückssträhne mit den vielen Läufen! 😄 Und weil wir so einen großen Nachholbedarf hatten, machten wir überall mit. 😊
Kirschen und Cidre – eine perfekte Kombination. Ich habe immer noch viele kleine Cidre Flaschen und freue mich jedesmal, wenn ich ein Glas trinke.
Kai litt noch Tage an der ungepolsterten Fahrt… 😂🤣 den Fehler machen wir nicht noch mal!
Viel Spass mit dem Adventschallenge und liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnigen Cape Town!
That bike trip sounds incredible- except for the non-padded shorts (ouch.) I’ve never done a bike or run tour, but I would like to.
You always see the most interesting things! Humpback whales, dramatic marriage proposals… I’m starting to feel like my life is very dull, ha ha.
You would have enjoyed this (if you had padded shorts), Jenny!
It was an eventful week! This week is much quieter… I hope things will happen over the next few days or else I’ll have nothing to show you!
Oh, btw, you landed in my spam folder again. I contacted the spam guys at Aksimet to see what they can do. 😉
I haven’t been on a biking tour in quite some time, but they are so fun! This looks like a beautiful ride, and a really solid workout! I rode an e-bike for the first time when visiting Vermont, and it was such a weird experience but strangely fun to have that extra power!
So cool that you got to try out an e-bike, Janelle!
Kai also tried out an e-bike and he loved it. I was worried that he wouldn’t return to the regular bike, but fortunately, he did. Cruising along with extra power without putting in all the sweaty effort is very appealing!
I absolutely love how you’re making the best of your stay in South Africa. Meeting people and just exploring area either on foot or by bike! These memories will last a lifetime! NOW… that proposal, EPIC!!!!!!!!! How lucky were you to witness that!! Yep, my proposal was not dramatic at all – is it too late for a retake?!
It’s such a wonderful place, Shathiso! As I’m sure Botswana is too. And we’re only scratching the surface, as most of our activities are limited to the vicinity of Cape Town.
Haha, I bet Ditiro will be delighted to do a sequel… who knows what he will come up with! 🙂
What South Africa has that makes it quite unique is the variety of beach to mountains to flat desert areas like the Karoo to forest areas…the variety is spectacular. But what makes Botswana very special is its ruggedness and untouched feel. From the Kgalagadi Desert to the Okavango…
Precisely! I can’t wait to experience Botswana’s magical charm. Your photos speak volumes to me – I really to go there!
So jealous of your fun activity!! Everything sounds lovely and perfect. What a fantastic proposal.
It was a great day, Zenaida! I only wish we had worn padded bike shorts, haha!
I can imagine. I have a padded seat for my Peloton and sometimes even that isn’t enough. 🙂
Hi Catrina,
As always, I love seeing these posts that remind me of my home country. The Cape is just simply beautiful. The guest house you stayed at has that typical Cape Dutch architecture style I remember so well. In fact my wife’s family own a farm further north and the house looks almost identical!
Great bike tour. I can’t think of anywhere better to have done it. I’ve personally done mountain biking in these areas (and also in Limpopo way in the north of SA) but none that were guided. Over in England I’ve done guided quad bike tours and even a guided Segway tour with my wife which was very unique (and rather amusing too!)
Looking forward to your future posts!
I love the Cape Dutch style, Sean! The guesthouse was only about 40 years old, but I like that they stuck to the traditional style. I’m sure the house of your wife’s family is beautiful! And authentically Cape Dutch style. 😊
This tour inspired us to get bikes. I’m a little afraid of the technical trails but we will have to learn it at some point.
Haha, I’ve never done a Segway tour, but they look fun!
Today we hiked from Cape Town across the Table Mountain to Hout Bay. The tour and the views were amazing! You would have loved it, Sean.
Your home country is truly beautiful!
THE WHALES!!!!!! Oh my goodness, what a special thing to see. And the proposal sounds pretty incredible too! I ‘m so glad you had such a magnificent adventure!
The whales were awesome, Jenn! They stayed for a few days in the area and then moved on. The wildlife here in South Africa is amazing and I’m glad they have so many protected areas.
I guess the most dramatic thing about my marriage proposal is that my wife asked me to marry her…lol. I guess I was a bit shy and maybe dragging my feet too much.
Very interesting about the younger generation opting for the e-bikes. I have never thought of it, Catrina. But what I have seen around here, I think it is true. Occasionally I will do a long run the nearby rail trail. Older people are always riding the muscle bikes while the majority of the younger generation are riding the e-bikes on the trail. When they go by me they are pedaling hard with the bike to look all impressive. Then about 100 metres up the trail I’ll notice they will stop pedaling and let the battery carry them. They will once again resume pedaling when they go past the next runner.
I have a 20 year old mountain bike with the 26 inch tires. Would love to try one of those 29ers sometime. Great riding, Catrina and Kai. 🙂
Oh, Carl, that is so sweet! I like that! Why should all the pressure always be on the men? 🙂
Yes, I would have thought that it’s the other way round – with the younger generation going for the muscle-powered bikes. Those e-bikers on your trail are hilarious, Carl! It seems that they’re a bit embarrassed to be riding an e-bike! 🙂
I’m not a fan of e-bikes: when we make things easier for our body, we’re not doing it a favour. We’re missing out on a great exercise opportunity. That’s the nice thing about running: it’s all real and no “cheating”.
I was surprised at how different it felt to ride the bikes with the bigger tires, Carl. I wonder if we can just change the tires on our old bikes? Or if the whole frame has to be changed as well? I need to find out!
I would really be curious if the tires could be changed, Catrina. I guess it all depends how wide the fork is. There is definitely no cheating with running. Whether it is muscle powered bikes or running, I have so much respect for you and Kai with how you keep yourselves fit. 🙌😀
You’re doing a great job yourself, Carl! I hope I’ll be as fit as you when I’m your age. 😀
The bike tour sounds so fun! I would love to take a bike tour someday to explore a region, you can see so much more than by foot.
Exactly, Laura! It’s a very convenient way of exploring a new area and country. With e-bikes, you even have a wider range. But less exercise! 😉
Wow, that’s quite a weekend. The bike tour sounds great! It’s hard to imagine someone more fit than you. 😉
The marriage proposal sounds quite complicated!
You would have loved this bike tour, Coco. Not quite Fork to Fondo, but close. 😉
Yes! Think of all the things that could have gone wrong (apart from her saying “no” at the end)!
I must have missed a few. I thought you packed it in w this blog. 🤣🤣
Mountain biking is not easy at all. Total body workout. I bet you were sore.🤣
That proposal sounded incredible. That is something they will remember forever. Great story in the future. That was lucky you being there too. 🤣
Haha, Yves, the blog is still alive! 🙂
Our backside were sooo sore! I think Kai couldn’t sit for days!
That proposal was quite funny – imagine all the things that could have gone wrong! (Besides the bride screaming “no” instead of “yes”! 🙂